Investigating Hardness in Water

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Investigating Hardness in Water

Predicting & planning:


I want to find out which ions cause hardness in water. For instance, would Na+ or Cl- ions cause hardness, or would they have no effect.

The ions that I will use are:










From preliminary testing I have learnt that Calcium and Magnesium ions both cause hardness in water, I believe that I could also carry out an experiment to prove this true. Due to what I have learnt I believe that there may be some connection between Calcium ions, Magnesium ions and the ions which cause hardness in water. Due to the fact that they both cause hardness in water they most likely have similar properties, this leads you to think that there is probably some other connection between them. This is reinforced by the fact that they are in the same group in the periodic table of elements. Due to the fact that they are in the same group they are both going to have the same charge, they both have a 2+ charge. I can also be certain that sodium ions do not cause hard water because in an ion exchange experiment I carried out before hand. This experiment works by replacing an ion that causes hard water with sodium ions. This means that if soap were added now a scum would no longer be formed, this would prove the water to be soft.

This means that sodium ions do not cause hard water and as they have a 1+ charge I would expect that all other ions with a 1+ charge would not cause hard water. This means that I have predicted the effect of five of the ions I will be testing. The other three have I have not accounted for have a negative charge. This means that they do not fit into the equation of the reaction between soap and the hard water causing salt. This means that ions with a negative charge will not have an effect and will not cause hard water.

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To sum up, cations with a 2+ charge will cause hard water, cations with 1+ charge will not cause hard water and neither will anions with a 1- or 2- charge. This means that the ions I expect to cause hard water are Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe2+.


Firstly I will measure out 6ml of the one compound (i.e., Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate) in a measuring cylinder then I will put it into a test tube. Once I have done this I will measure out 2ml of soap solution and add it to the compound. I will then shake the test tube to allow ...

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