Investigating how Concentration Affects the Rate of Reaction Between Magnesium Ribbon and Hydrochloric Acid.

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Investigating how Concentration Affects the Rate of Reaction Between Magnesium Ribbon and Hydrochloric Acid


We intend to look at the different factors that affect the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon. This variable will affect the time it takes for the two substances react, depending on a variation of the factor. Some of these factors are:

  • Surface Area
  • Temperature
  • Catalysts
  • Concentration
  • Pressure
  • Stirring / Mixing

However, some of these variables cannot be tested easily or accurately, so only one variable will be chosen. The variable I have chosen is concentration, using up to 3 molar hydrochloric acid.

Background Information

Here is some information on how

  • Surface Area – If you increase the surface area of the substance you are trying to react with another then there are more available molecules to collide with the other substance’s molecules. This increases the rate of reaction.
  • Temperature – For a reaction to take place, the collision theory states that there must be enough energy to break the existing bonds. What happens when you increase the temperature is that the molecules get heated up, giving them more energy to move around faster, breaking bonds quicker. This helps increase the rate of reaction because the more the molecules move around, the more of a chance they will collide with other molecules and the reaction will occur faster.
  • Catalysts - A positive catalyst lowers activation energy. Particles need less energy to react and the process proceeds more quickly. A negative catalyst slows down the rate of a chemical reaction.
  • Concentration – This means there are more or less molecules per unit of acid, either decreasing or increasing the chances of successful collisions; therefore the time it takes for the reaction to take place is changed.
  • Pressure - Increase in pressure results in a decrease in the volume of the gas, particles are closer and the number of successful collisions increases.
  • Stirring / Mixing – This gives the molecules more energy, creating a similar effect to temperature, but it can only increase the rate of reaction.
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Concentration – Increasing the concentration means there are more molecules in the acid so there is more chance of the molecules bumping (Brownian motion) into each other with enough force to react. This makes it more possible for more reactions to occur every second.

Collision Theory – For two substances to react, their particles have to collide. It is what affects how they collide is what we will be changing and investigating. However, there is a required amount of energy in the collision between the two molecules for a reaction to occur. This is called the activation energy.


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