Investigating how the amount of Hydrogen Peroxide will affect the speed in which the Oxygen is separated from the water in Hydrogen Peroxide and the total oxygen collected.

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Linda King


Science Investigation


I am investigating how the amount of Hydrogen Peroxide will affect the speed in which the Oxygen is separated from the water in Hydrogen Peroxide and the total oxygen collected.



My task is to investigate what effects the action of Catalase, from Potato, have when adding hydrogen peroxide (H202) and having one variable each time.


I have chosen my variable to be the amount of hydrogen peroxide (H202). I am also doing 5 different amounts of hydrogen peroxide (H202) increasing by 5cm3 each time so that I have a wide range of results. I am going to repeat each different temperature 3 times so that my results are more reliable. I am then going to work out an average for the result of each different hydrogen peroxide (H202). I am going to use a gas collecting tube to collect the amount of gas given of by the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) when the Catalase is put into it. You then time it until the oxygen has stopped being given off (bubbles stop).


Safety Spectacles

15 conical flasks labelled 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B and 5C.

Ice cream tub ½ full of water

Gas Collecting Tube

Tube and bung

2 Clamps


Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)



Cork borer

Stop Clock


1. Cut 15 potato chips using the same cork borer every time and cutting it to 4cm long.

2. Get your ice cream tub ½ full of water and insert the gas collecting tube into it.

3. Full a Gas collecting tube full of water and put your finger over it while you insert it upside down into the ½ full tub of water.

4. Clamp it with the clamp and stand.

5. Put the tube into the test tube full of water.

6. Put a chip into a conical flask labelled 1A and fill it with 5 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) using the burette.

7.  Connect the boiling tube with hydrogen peroxide (H202) into the tube by the bung and start the stop clock.

8.check how much oxygen has collected every 15 seconds and record in a table.

9. When the bubbles stop, stop the clock stop.

10. Record the final time in which the oxygen has all been collected.

11. Repeat with the same amount of Hydrogen peroxide (H202) 2 times.

12. Repeat the whole experiment with 5 different amounts of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

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I predict that the more hydrogen peroxide (H202) the more gas will have been collected. I predict this because there is more oxygen to be given off, as there is more oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide (H202).

This is shown by the formula.

The formula is:

H202 +Catalyst = H20 + O2 +Catalyst.

If you double the formula you will get:

2H202 + Catalyst = 2H20 + O2 + Catalyst.

If you multiply the formula by 4 you get:

                4H202 +Catalyst = 4H20 + O2 +Catalyst.

I also predict that the more hydrogen peroxide (H202) the longer it will take for the reaction ...

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