Investigating How the Concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate Affects the Rate of Reaction, Between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid

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Investigating How the Concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate Affects the Rate of Reaction, Between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid


We had been experimenting with sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. We found that when we added hydrochloric acid to sodium thiosulphate it went cloudy, and eventually opaque.

We decided to investigate how the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate would affect the rate of reaction. The experiment will be carried out as shown in 'fig 1', hydrochloric acid will be added to the sodium thiosulphate, and we will time how long it will take for the 'X' to be obscured.

Fig 1



We must follow certain safety guidelines to avoid injury to ourselves or others; these safety measures are listed below:

* Goggles must be worn, as hydrochloric acid is caustic and could cause damage to eyes.

* Make sure all bags, stools etc are out of the way, so as not to be tripped over.

* Remove blazer and tuck in ties or any other loose ends

* All spillages must be reported to the teacher immediately.


Independent Variable

The independent variable is the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate. We will vary the concentration of sodium thiosulphate from 80g/dm3 to 5g/dm3. We hope to see a trend of change in the reaction time as the concentration is changed.

Dependant Variable

The dependant variable is the time taken for the 'X' to be obscured; every time the 'X' is obscured, the same amount of sulphur is released.

Control Variables

The aspects we will keep constant are:

I. Temperature.

II. Pressure.

III. Concentration of hydrochloric acid; any change will affect the rate of reaction.

IV. Volume of hydrochloric acid; will also affect the rate of reaction.

V. Overall reactant volume.

VI. Beaker - as the cross section is changed, the thickness of the liquid will change.

VII. The position from which we will look into the beaker.

VIII. The same person must take the reading; as different people will judge differently when the 'X' has disappeared.

IX. The 'X' must be the same colour and thickness; any change in the 'X' will change its visibility.

X. The batch of sodium thiosulphate.

XI. The lighting in the lab.



'I predict that as the concentration of sodium thiosulphate is increased, the time taken for the 'X' to become obscured will decrease, thus the rate of reaction has increased.'
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Theoretical Explanation

When the 'X' disappears, there has been a certain amount of sulphur (S8) produced by the reaction, as this is what turns the solution opaque.

If it takes longer for the 'X' to disappear, then the reaction is obviously slower i.e. it has taken longer for the Sulphur to be produced.

The 'Collision Theory' supports this reasoning. It states that if there are more particles of a fixed amount of substance i.e. a higher concentration, the particles are more likely to collide with each other than they would be in a less concentrated ...

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