Investigating how the concentration ofthiosulphate solution affects the rate of reaction.

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Investigating how the concentration of thiosulphate solution affects the rate of reaction.

Aim: My aim is to investigate how different concentrations of sodium thiosulphate solution affect the rate of reaction.

Hypothesis: As you increase the concentration (molarity), the rate of reaction will increase.

I think this because a high concentration means a large number of particles in a given volume. If there are more particles and the activation energy is right, then there will be more collisions. More collisions mean a large number of successful collisions. Therefore the rate of reaction will increase.

Introduction: In this investigation I am going to carry out an experiment to determine the effects of different concentrations of thiosulphate solution on the rate of reaction. I will do this experiment using the following formula:

Na2S2O3  +  2HCl                           2NaCl (aq) + H2O + SO3 + S(s) 

I will only change the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate solution to see if this effects the reaction i.e. if it speeds it up. I will use 50cm3 of thiosulphate solution. I will have to do some calculations to be able to work out an appropriate volume of hydrochloric acid (HCl)

Scientific knowledge:

With high concentrations the rate of reaction will be fast. This is because according to the collision theory the more you increase the concentration of a substance then the rate of collision increases. If the solution is made more concentrated it means there are more particles of the reactant colliding with the water particles. Hence the collision between the sodium thiosulphate and the Hydrochloric acid particles becomes more likely. If a low concentration of sodium thiosulphate were used then there would be less collision. The more the collision with particles the faster the rate of reaction will be. Whereas with low concentrations the rate of reaction will be slow.

With high concentrations there is more collision between the particles therefore they will react quickly and largely because the number of particles increase when the concentration is increased. Hence as the amount of solution is kept the same and only the concentration is varied, the time taken for the reaction to process will be shorter. Therefore the cross will disappear quickly. The cross will disappear quickly because when the concentration is increased the numbers particles are also increased causing more precipitate to form in a smaller length of time.

I have simplified my explanation in the diagram below to show the effect of concentration on particle activity.


As you can see the higher the concentration the more the particles are present and hence the more the collision will take place in less time causing more precipitate to form in a short length of time.

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Activation Energy

Even if the species are orientated properly, you still won't get a reaction unless the particles collide with a certain minimum energy called the activation energy of the reaction.

Activation energy is the minimum energy required before a reaction can occur. You can show this on an energy profile for the reaction. For a simple over-all exothermic reaction, the energy profile looks like this:

If the particles collide with less energy than the activation energy, nothing important happens. They bounce apart. You can think of the activation energy as a barrier to the reaction. ...

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