Investigating how the height of a runway affects the average speed of a trolley

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Physics Investigation: Investigating how the height of a runway affects the average speed of a trolley



The aim of this experiment is to show how the height of a ramp from which a trolley rolls down will affect its run off speed.


The preliminary experiment we did prior to the investigation enabled me to choose what factors of the investigation I should keep the same or alter. My results from the preliminary displayed that I should perform the following procedures: -

 The heights that allow the trolley to go down the ramp at a suitable velocity and whereabouts on the ramp I would allow the trolley to go from inorder to make the test fair and the speed accurate. I found out in the preliminary that 0.05m would be to low a height to begin with and that the trolley would not move fast enough therefore would not reach the end of the 1m run way causing a break in my results. Then also that if I suspended the ramp higher than 0.5m it was too high, and again I would not be able to gather any results as the trolley would be going to fast.

 That the trolley would be positioned with its back wheels over the edge of the ramp each time we carried out the investigation, this was to ensure us that each time the trolley was started at the same place, making our results accurate;

 I discovered how it would be possible and enable me to keep my ramp at an inclination without having to hold it the whole time.

 I decided that I was going to have to put a file and wedge of paper at the end of the ramp to prevent the trolley jumping, and implementing it to go straight to the end of the ramp smoothly therefore not effecting my results.

 In the preliminary I decided that I would keep the ramp at a certain height by using a clamp and that the range of heights that I would use would be 0.10m, 0.20m, 0.30m, 0.40m, 0.50m

 I decided that I would leave a metre after the ramp for the trolley to run off, as this was an appropriate distance for me to collect my times.

 I would also use a tickertape vibrator, as a high degree of accuracy is required in this experiment and any inaccurate readings in my results, I do not want to be due to human error.

The accuracies of these 2 instruments are as follows:

Stopwatch/clock 1/10 s

Tickertape vibrator 1/50 s

The table of results below is to show which method of timing proved to be most accurate:

Height (m) Time using stopwatch(s) Time using tickertimer (s)

0 1.76 1.59

0 1.56 1.47

30 0.67 0.97

30 0.91 1.04


I predict that the higher the ramp is the faster the speed of the trolley will be and the average velocity and time will not be directly proportional.

Due to gravitational potential energy (GPE) which is the amount of energy that an object has because it its position. The higher the object is the more GPE it has and my table below proves this. Therefore at the top of the runway the trolley will have more GPE, than when it has come off the ramp.
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GPE = mass x g x height

Where g = acceleration due to gravity

= 10m/s2

However when the object begins to fall its GPE is converted gradually into kinetic energy (KE).

KE = 1/2 x mass x (velocity)2

Therefore at the top of the ramp the GPE is at its maximum and at the bottom of the ramp the KE is at its maximum, this is because the energy is being converted as it cannot be destroyed. Moreover I can therefore presume that as the height of the ramp is ...

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