Investigating One Factor Which Affects the Resistance of a Wire

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Investigating One Factor Which Affects the Resistance of a Wire


For this investigation I have to look at the factors which affect resistance in a wire and chose one to investigate. Resistance is the amount that a conductor resists the movement of electrons and it is measured in ohms (?).

Resistance occurs when electrons moving in a metal conductor collide with atoms in the wire and give up energy. The energy the electrons give up is converted into heat.

Superconductors have no resistance to the flow of electric charges. Copper, which is a good conductor, has a low resistance. Silicon, which is a semiconductor, has a higher resistance. Insulators, like glass or wood, have a very high resistance and it's nearly impossible for electric charges to flow through them.

The idea of resistance is simply how difficult it is for the electrons to move through a material. The more difficult it is, the more energy they lose in the material on their travels.

Ohm's Law for resistance states that 'The current flowing through a metal is proportional to the potential difference (current used) across it (providing the temperature remains constant). I am going to test this law.

The four factors that affect resistance are:

Lengths of the wire - the longer the wire, the more atoms there are for the electrons to collide with resulting in the loss of more energy.

Thickness of the wire - the larger the cross-section, the more charge that can travel simultaneously through a given length. It is like a motorway.
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Material it is made up of - some materials have less resistance than others. They have fewer atoms therefore there are less atoms for the electrons to collide with resulting in a lower loss of energy.

Temperature it is at - the higher the temperature, the lower the resistance and visa versa.

I have chosen to look at how the length of the wire affects the resistance because it is the most simple to obtain results from in a school lab.


To conduct this experiment accurately I will need the following equipment:

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