Investigating Osmosis in Potatoes

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Delphine Solomon 10H.3

Investigating Osmosis in Potatoes

The Mccoin Company make oven chips. They need to keep them for more time before freezing and packaging them. They need to make sure that the size and firmness of the chips stay the same. The chips are going to be kept in solution X that is similar to sucrose that doesn’t make chips sweet. We have to design an experiment that scientists in the laboratories at Mccoin could carry out in order to decide on a suitable concentration of substance X to keep their chip in.

I am going to investigate how the different concentrations of the solution X affect the Mccoin Company’s chips, in both length and mass.


Planning Experimental Procedures

To do this experiment it will be necessary to take some safety precautions. We will wear goggles to protect our eyes from the solution X, even though we know that it is similar to sucrose we do not know exactly what it is, and it may harm our eyes. We shall also wear lab coats for the same reason, so that we don’t get any solution on our clothes.

To ensure that we will get accurate results we will have to make a fair test. To achieve this I will make sure that I measure and cut each chip to a specific length, and use an equal amount of every concentration of solution X. The table below shows the different quantities to be used when making up the different concentrations of solution X. Each will come to a total of 20ml. For the experiment enough of each concentration might need to be made to cover the chips in the boiling tubes.

I think that, the lower the concentration of solution X the smaller the chips will get in length and mass, and the higher the concentration of solution X the larger the chips will get in length and mass.

Equipment:        4 boiling tubes                        1 glass rod

                1 test tube rack                1 potato

                2×10cm³ syringes                1 chip cutter

                Sticky labels                        Distilled H2O

                1 knife                                Solution of substance X

                1 tile                                2×100ml beakers

To do this experiment I will immerse chips of exactly the same size into the different concentrations of solution X, and then observe what happens over a certain period of time. From this I will be able to work out what is the correct concentration of solution X to use to keep the chips at the same size.

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As well as the concentration there are other factors that will affect how well the experiment will work. These include the following:


It is important to ensure that the experiment is carried out at a consistent temperature. If it is too hot the chip will cook, if it is too cold the chip will freeze. I am proposing to carry out this experiment at room temperature, but it would be advisable to check the results in an experiment at a temperature recommended by Mccoin.


If a potato is left in daylight it will go ...

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