Investigating Osmosis Relating to Kidney Function

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Investigating Osmosis Relating to Kidney Function Medora Choi Abstract: The purpose of this laboratory is to investigate how to construct a nephron model by using a given permeable membrane to filter a simulated kidney blood solution. The laboratory will also investigate the process of osmosis as it relates to kidney filtration. This experiment is to accomplish the understanding of process of osmosis, and understand the waste substances eliminated by the
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kidneys for an amber-colored liquid which is called urine. This process is filtered through the kidney functional unit called the nephron. In order to hold this experiment, the class was provided with simulated kidney blood and dialysis tubing to start the investigation. Firstly, the knotted wet dialysis tubing is filled with the simulated kidney blood solution. This will be the nephron model for the investigation and to further observe the process of osmosis, the nephron model is then placed in a plastic cup which tap water is filled within 1 inch form the top.  This product is observed over the ...

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The layout of the essay is not ideal. The candidate describes everything in one big paragraph when they should split everything up into sub sections with clear subheadings to make it easier to read. Punctuation, grammar and spelling all to a good level.

The observations in this experiment are done well and the candidate attempts to link the science behind the kidney to what they are observing, although I think a more thorough analysis of kidney function is needed. The candidate explains the method well, but would be better explaining how they made sure that other factors did not confound their results as this shows greater understanding of what might affect the experiment and makes the experiment more reliable. Their conclusion is adequate to what they observed, but they should have included an evaluation which would have described what factors went wrong in the experiment and how to improve it.

The response to the investigation is done moderately well. The candidate links back and explains the experiment, but the experiment is not laid out very well which loses the candidate quite a lot of marks.