Investigating Osmosis: The Molarity Of A Potato Cell.

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Daniel Rios-Perez

Investigating Osmosis: The Molarity Of A Potato Cell


Knowing that osmosis (diffusion of water) will occur across a semi-permeable membrane whenever there is a difference between the water concentrations on the two sides of the membrane, and knowing that when this happens to cells, they will either become turgid if water flows into them, or plasmolysed if water flows out of them, therefore changing their volume.

I want to test the hypothesis that:

If the concentration of a solution into which a cylinder of potato is placed is greater than a certain level the cylinder will decrease in  mass, and if the concentration is less than that level it will increase in mass.


I believe from my past knowledge of a similar experiment involving raw eggs that the potato cylinders placed in the distilled water will be hypertonic, therefore the water will diffuse by osmosis into the potato from an area of high concentration down the concentration gradient. This will result in a gain of mass for the potato.

However in the 1.0M solution I think that the opposite will occur as there will be a higher concentration of water within the potato than the solution, this will make the potato hypotonic and it will lose its water content as the water diffuses out. A difference between the egg experiment and the potato experiment is that the potato cells will not reach a dynamic equilibrium (become isotonic). This is because plants have a cellulose cell wall which cannot expand beyond a certain point as it is turgid, therefore the contents will never be able to be equal to the outside or it will not be able to give out all its water as it has a rigid structure. It is the pressure created by the cell wall which stops the cell reaching a dynamic equilibrium.

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I think that the molarity of the cell will be about 0.3M concentration as the point at which the potato cylinders will not change in mass will be between 0.2M and 0.4M.


The experiment was set up to be as fair as possible. A cork cutter was used to make 6 potato cylinders. These were not the same size, so the cylinders were then all accurately cut to 4cm with a razor blade. Once the weight of each potato cylinder was measured and recorded, the potato chips were placed into their 10ml test tube solutions of 0.0M ...

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*** This candidate has collected some valid data, analyzed it fairly well and come to a valid conclusion. The understanding of osmosis seems poor in some sections of the report. To improve: Planning: The background theory on osmosis was confused in several places and was not explained clearly in all paragraphs. The planned experiment could be used to collect valid data but there was insufficient consideration of the key variables and the written method lacked key details. No risk assessment was carried out and this is awarded marks under newer schemes. Carrying out: Some data was collected but there very different sets of data between the two experiments. The candidate needed to take more care to ensure that table headings contain full descriptions and units for each column. Analysis and Evaluation: The graph was not included. The data seems to have been interpreted correctly and a sensible value obtained for the molarity of the solution inside the potato cells. The conclusion does refer back to the prediction and contains an adequate amount of background theory. The evaluation could be improved by including more detailed suggestions for improving the method or extending the range of the investigation.