Investigating reaction rates of Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid

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Sandeep Brar 10D2

                            Investigating reaction rates of Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid


To investigate the rate of reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid. In this investigation I will be varying the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate only and not the Hydrochloric acid concentration.

In this investigation I will use the following word equation:

Sodium Thiosulphate + Hydrochloric acid

In this investigation I will use the following symbol equation:

Na2S2O3 + Hcl


I predict that as the Sodium Thiosulphate concentration increases the rate of reaction will also increase.

 The reason I predict this is because there will be a higher concentration of particles and so a faster reaction would be able to occur- so the reaction rate would increase. There will be more particles of Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid in a small volume and so more collisions are likely to occur which in turn cause a quicker rate of reaction.

In this investigation I used 25cm cubed of Sodium Thiosulphate and 5cm cubed of Hydrochloric acid.

Health and Safety:

In order to make this investigation as safe as possible for myself I took a number of precautions.

The first precaution that I took was to wear a lab coat and goggles. The lab coat would protect my clothes from any acid spills or splashes that may occur and the goggles would protect my eyes from being affected by any acid spills or splashes.

Scientific Theory:

My prediction has been based on my scientific theory. In the investigation I carried out a chemical reaction occurred.

A chemical reaction is when two substances collide with each other and form new bonds that result in entirely new products. When a chemical reaction takes place there is a change in appearance, mass, volume and temperature.

The collision theory explains all there is to the rate of reaction. The collision theory states that the rate of reaction depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide. Reacting particles need to collide with each other to be able to react. The more collisions there are then the faster the rate of reaction will be.

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The following methods of increasing the rate of reaction can be explained by increasing the number of collisions between the reacting particles:

Sandeep Brar 10D2

  • Temperature- When the temperature is increased in a reaction the particles begin to move around much quicker. This means that when they collide with each other they will collide harder.

  • Catalyst- A catalyst works by giving the reacting particles a surface to stick to on which they can collide with each other on. This also increases the number of collisions between the particles.

  • Size- If ...

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