Investigating the control of the cardiovascular system.

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Assignment 4- Investigating the control of the cardiovascular system.


        For this assignment we were set the task of, monitoring our pulse rate and blood pressure of a chosen individual of our group at rest, during mild exercise and strenuous exercise. We took more than one reading for each task so we could calculate means. We used an electronic blood pressure machine which told us the pulse rate, the systolic and diastolic pressures of the blood. We also had a chance to monitor our heart rate with a stethoscope. For the exercise we did 2 minutes on an exercise bike for mild exercise and we did 5 minutes for our strenuous exercise. These were our results;

Pulse rate

Blood pressure results

(Highest number- systolic pressure and lowest number diastolic pressure)

Pulse rate can be measured from a range of pulse points all over the body but the wrist and neck is the most commonly used. Doctors usually allow people to relax before taking their pulse or take it twice during the session to see if it has changed. For our task we used the electronic blood pressure machine to measure the pulse and this machine took the pulse from the arm. We also used this machine for taking the blood pressure results. To ensure you use the machine properly and safely you have to;

  • Make sure the inflatable cuff is positioned correctly to ensure accurate results; to do this you must wrap the uninflected cuff around the arm above the elbow level with the heart.
  • You then have to ensure the cuff is on secure enough then inflate it.
  • Then record the readings.

The possible sources of error could have been;

  • If the blood pressure cuff is wrongly fitted then the results are prone to errors.
  • Tension, nervousness and excitement all raise blood pressure.
  • If the arm is moved at all during taking the reading or the cuff is not level with the heart then the readings are probably going to be unreliable.
  • Tightly fitted sleeves pushed up above the cuff can interfere with the readings.
  • The results can’t be taken over clothing either.
  • The person using the machine shouldn’t be on medication either as some medicine can affect blood pressure.

By Lindsey Cadwallader

For the exercise certain accounts have to be considered too such as;

  • You have to ensure that the person taking part in the exercise doesn’t suffer from any heart problems or asthma which could make the exercise dangerous to them
  • You’ve got to also make sure that they are wearing the correct clothing which is suitable for exercise.
  • Also that they haven’t got a cold or an illness
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The health and safety risks involved in this monitoring

        There are many risks involved in using the blood pressure machine as if you don’t use it properly it could lead to an accident. A person should only take 3 readings on the blood pressure machine; we overcome this by letting everyone in the group take their blood pressure readings so that no one had to use it more than 3 times. The blood pressure shouldn’t be set to any more than 170 and we made sure this was carried out. Using the stethoscope you should also make sure that nobody ...

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