Investigating the effect of changing the concentration on the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid

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Investigating the effect of changing the concentration on the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid


In this experiment, I am trying to find out if the concentration of sodium thiosulphate determines the rate of reaction in this experiment.  To do this I will change the concentration of the thiosulphate to see if it makes any difference, keeping the amount of acid at 5cm³.  There are other factors that can affect the rate of reaction like the temperature, if the temperature is increased then the particles move faster with more energy.  If the temperature is decreased the particles will move more slowly, therefore there will be a slower rate of reaction.  To keep the temperature constant I will make sure the heating in the room is at the same temperature for each experiment and I will do the experiments on the same day, at the same time.

Our preliminary work was carried out in year ten when we were doing the rates of reaction unit.  For this experiment we only used a high and a low concentrated solution, 0.2 molar and 1.0 molar.  This helped us to find out basically what would happen if we changed the concentrations, making the predictions for this experiment more reliable.  We found out that the more concentrated the solution the faster the reaction was.  The results obtained from the preliminary work were as follows :

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Prediction (1) – I predict that when the concentration is high then there will be a faster reaction.

Scientific theory – If there is a high concentration there will be more particles for the thiosulphate to collide with.  This means that there will be more frequent collisions.

Prediction (2) – If we double the concentration from 0.2 molar to 0.4 molar or 0.4 to o.8 molar, then the rate of reaction should half.

Scientific theory – This is because there will be double the amount of thiosulphate for the acid particles to collide with.


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