Investigating the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Osmosis in Potato Tissue.

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Geoffrey Tan                The Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Osmosis

Investigating the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Osmosis in Potato Tissue

Introduction:        Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. It is only net movement as the molecules will move randomly, and therefore though most will move into the area of low concentration, some molecules will still move against the trend.

        Factors that affect the rate of osmosis are listed below with an explanation:

  • Concentration Gradient: If the concentration gradient of water molecules is high, then the rate of osmosis will also be high as there is a greater ‘pressure’ that will cause the net movement of molecules into the area of low concentration. There is also a greater ‘need’ for the concentration on both sides of the membrane to be equalled, and so the rate will be high. This can be illustrated with the aid of diagrams.

        Very high concentration


                                                             Very low concentration

                                High concentration


                                                             Low concentration

  • Temperature: If the temperature is higher, then the molecules all have more energy and therefore move faster. If the molecules move faster, then the time it takes for them to move through the selectively permeable membrane is shortened. This therefore means that the rate of osmosis is higher. On the other hand, if the temperature is lower, then the molecules move slower and the rate of osmosis is lower too.
  • Pressure: If the pressure is higher, then that means there is less space for the molecules to move in. Therefore, the molecules move a lot more, which causes the net movement to occur faster, and so the rate of osmosis is higher. If there is less pressure and more space, there is less movement for the molecules and the rate of osmosis is, in turn, lower.
  • Nature of Membrane: If the membrane is more permeable (i.e. there are more ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ points, then the molecules will be allowed to move across it a lot faster, increasing the rate of osmosis.
  • Surface Area: With a larger surface area, there are more points for the molecules to pass through the membrane at; therefore, the rate of osmosis is higher. If, however, the surface area is lower, then there will be fewer points for the molecules to pass through at. Therefore the rate is lower.

For this experiment, we decided to use concentration as the input variable (as indicated in the title).

Aim:        To find the effect of concentration on the rate of osmosis, and also the sucrose concentration within a potato tuber cell.

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Method:        Firstly, having chosen the concentration as the input variable, the other possible variable must be kept constant to ensure that the results are caused by the concentration and nothing else. To make sure we keep the temperature constant, we will leave the potato pieces in the same environment and under the same conditions (i.e. in/out of direct sunlight). The pressure will be kept the same under these conditions as well. To ensure that the surface area remains the same, we will use the same size and shape potato chunks. Taking the chunks from the same potato will make sure, ...

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