Investigating the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.

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 Investigating the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium theosulphate and hydrochloric acid.


To investigate whether the time taken for sodium theosuphate to go completely opaque when reacting with hydrochloric acid depends on the concentration of the acid.


I envisage that the higher the concentration of the acid, the faster the rate of reaction. I think this, as there will be more hydrochloric acid molecules do react with than if it were a lower concentration.

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hydrochloric acid, sodium theosulphate, 2 measuring cylinders, 2 pipettes, 1 conical flask, 1 stop clock and a pair of goggles.


 Hydrochloric acid- wear goggles


  • First of all we gathered all the apparatus and set it up as in the diagram.
  • We drew a cross an a piece of paper and put a comical flask on top
  • We then poured 50 cm3 of sodium theosulphate into the conical flask and added 10cm3 of hydrochloric acid and timed how long it took for the cross to disappear.
  • We ...

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