Investigating the effect of temperature on the rate of enzyme action

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Investigating the effect of temperature on the rate of enzyme action


Hydrogen Peroxide is a toxic substance which until the twentieth century, had no practical use.  It is seldom created in its pure form because it explodes when it comes into contact with many everyday substances.  This explosion is a decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen and is the reaction that I shall be testing in the experiment.  Hydrogen Peroxide can be found naturally as a by-product of certain bio-chemical reactions.  Some of these reactions take place in the liver and so there is catalase in the liver to break it down before it can do any damage to the liver.  Today it is diluted and often used as a bleaching agent.

(Encyclopaedia Britannica)

Catalase is an enzyme found in the human liver for the purpose of decomposing any hydrogen peroxide, which may be formed as a by-product of some of the reactions taking place there.  The catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide into it’s constituent parts, hydrogen and oxygen.  

Catalase is the fastest acting enzyme known, with a turnover number of 6 million (being the number of substrate molecules the enzyme can act upon in one minute.  Turnover numbers range from as few as 100 up to 6 million).

(Understanding Biology for Advanced Level by Glenn & Susan Toole)


As the temperature increases then so will the rate of the enzyme action up to 40oC.  Above 40oC the rate of reaction should steadily drop until in reaches 50oC. At this point, the enzymes will become de-natured and the reactions will stop. The optimum temperature for enzyme action is just below 40oC and so this should be the place where the most oxygen is produced by the reaction.

Hydrogen Peroxide                        Water        +        Oxygen


2H2O2                                                2H2O                +        O2

This is because enzymes are made up of proteins and these are sensitive to temperature changes. Over 40oC proteins begin to change and so do enzymes. The enzymes begin to change shape and this affects their effectiveness because enzymes work by the ‘lock and key’ theory. The enzyme is a specific shape which ‘fits into’ certain other chemicals (substrates). This is how an enzyme changes the shape of a substrate so it will then react in a different way.   This combination produces an enzyme/substrate complex, which results in the substrate splitting into its constituent parts – Hydrogen and Oxygen.   They separate off from the complex and the enzyme molecule is left unchanged and ready for the next combination.  This happens again and again, speeding up the breakdown of the substrate.  

The ‘Lock and Key Theory’

Latest thinking on the lock and key theory has changed our view of how it works and it is now called the Induced Fit Theory.  The enzyme’s active site does not have to be a fixed, identical shape to allow the substrate to fit into it.  When the substrate first comes into contact with the enzyme, meeting the active site, the enzyme moulds itself around the substrate to an exact fit.   As it is now a much closer fit, the enzyme is able to catalyse the substrate in the same way as the lock and key theory causing the substrate products to be repelled from the enzyme.

(Understanding Biology for Advanced Level by Glenn and Susan Toole

Biology A Functional Approach by M B V Roberts

Introduction to Biology by D G Mackean)

‘The Induced Fit Theory’

Every enzyme needs a certain amount of activation energy input to start its reaction.   This is required to break through the energy barrier and can come in the form of either physical or chemical energy.

During the experiment I expect that for every 10oC that the rate of reaction should double.  This is because for every 10o the kinetic energy is doubled giving the reaction has twice the energy.  This should continue up to around 40o because after this the enzymes will begin to de-nature.  This happens because all enzymes are made up of proteins.  As the temperature of a protein increases it will begin to change shape.  At around 40oC the enzyme will have changed shape so much that the substrate can no longer fit into it. This will make the rate of reaction decrease very quickly, as it is as if the enzyme were not there.

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(Understanding Biology for Advanced Level by Glenn and Susan Toole. Nuffield Biology’)

Only a small amount of enzyme is ever needed to catalyse a large amount of substrate because all activity takes place at the enzyme’s active site and after a reaction has taken place the enzyme is left unchanged.    This means that the same enzyme is still available for further reactions.

The predicted rate of reaction is shown on the graph below:

Graph to show the predicted rate of reaction at different temperatures


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