Investigating the effect of temperature on the reaction between Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide

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Kiran Toora

10me – Biology Coursework

Investigating the effect of temperature on the reaction between Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide


To investigate how changing the temperature affects the rate of reaction between hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme Catalase. Also to investigate at what temperature the enzyme Catalase denatures and works best.

Theory/Background Info;

Four things affect the rate of reaction; concentration, surface area, temperature and use of catalyst.

In this experiment, I will be changing the temperature, and watching the effect it has on the reaction between the hydrogen peroxide and the Catalase. Increasing the temperature, would cause the particles in the hydrogen peroxide to move faster, causing more collisions with the Catalase, and reacting faster to produce the oxygen. At a lower temperature, the collisions are poorer because the particles are moving a lot more slowly. Also when a collision occurs, there is less chance of a reaction taking place because the movement energy in the particles is less. At a higher temperature, the number of collisions is superior because when a collision occurs, there is more chance of a reaction taking place because the movement energy in the particles is greater.

Another factor, which could also be said to play a part in the experiment, is surface area. The surface area of the potato slices, could affect the rate of the reaction taking place. The smaller the slices, the quicker the reaction takes place as there is a larger surface area for the hydrogen peroxide particles to collide with, but the larger the pieces, the slower the reaction takes place as there is a smaller surface area for the hydrogen peroxide to collide with.

Although concentration and use of catalyst will not be apart of the experiment – if it were – then here is how it would effect the reaction rate.

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The stronger the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide, the more particles there are in the solution – meaning that there will be more collisions between both the hydrogen peroxide particles and the potato slices (source of Catalase). The weaker the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide, the less particles there are in the solution – meaning that there will be less collisions between both the hydrogen peroxide particles, and the potato slices (source of Catalase).

A catalyst speeds up a reaction; it provides a surface where the reaction can take place. This increases the number of collisions between the particles of ...

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