Investigating the Effect Which Exercise Has On the Pulse Rate.

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Investigating the effect which exercise has on the pulse rate


The heart main job is to transport oxygen around the body. The cardiac cycle is the sequence of events during one complete cycle of a heartbeat. This consists of the simultaneous contraction of the two atria, a short pause, then the simultaneous contraction of the two ventricles, followed by a longer pause while the entire heart relaxes. The whole cycle is repeated about 70- 80 times per minute under resting conditions. When the atria contacts, the blood in them enters the two relaxing ventricles, completely filling them. The mitral and tricuspid valves, which were open, now begin to shut, and as they do so, they create vibrations in the heart walls and tendons, causing the first heart sound. The ventricles on contraction push open the pulmonary and aortic valves and eject blood in to he respective vesicles. The closed mitral and tricuspid valves prevent return of blood into the atria during this phrase. As the ventricles start to relax, the aortic and pulmonary valves close to prevent backward flow of blood, and their closure causes the second heart sound. By now, the atria have filled once again and are ready to start contracting to begin the next cardiac cycle.

The heart beat rate is the number of times a minute the lungs inhale and exhale. The rate increases during exercise because the muscles require an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients. At the same time very active muscles produce a greater volume of carbon dioxide, a waste gas that must be removed by the lungs via the blood.

The regulation of the breathing rate is under both voluntary and involuntary control, although a person can only forcibly stop breathing for a limited time. The regulatory system includes the use of chemoreceptors, which can detect levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. High concentrations of carbon dioxide, occurring for example during exercise, stimulate a fast breathing rate.
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What I am aiming to do is find out he effect which exercise has on the heart beat rate. The job of the heart is to transport oxygen around the body to all the cells, and to repeat the cycle about 60 times per minute.


There are three types of variables, which are used in investigations. These are:

* Independent variables

* Dependent variable

* Fixed or controlled variables

Independent Variables:

This is the variable, which I am going to change. There are many independent variables, which I ...

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