Investigating the factors that affect the action of catalase (enzyme) on hydrogen peroxide.

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Biology Coursework

Investigating the factors that affect the action of catalase (enzyme) on hydrogen peroxide

Daniel victory 11BY


      From both my tables of results and my graphs we can see that my results match my predictions that the larger the surface area of the potato, the faster the rate of reaction will be and that as more time passed the rate of reaction decreased. So I can say that the surface area of the potato is proportional to rate of reaction and that time is inversely proportional to rate of reaction.

      I think that as the surface area of the potato increased, the rate of reaction also increased because there was more catalase molecules involved in the reaction and the hydrogen peroxide molecules also had more area to react with the catalase and therefore there were more collisions between molecules and therefore the ‘lock and key’ mechanisms were taking place faster. So the rate of reaction was faster. That is the reason why more bubbles were produced when the potato had a larger surface area.

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      I think that as the time increased the rate of reaction decreased because as the hydrogen peroxide reacted with the catalase, the hydrogen peroxide decomposed so there were less hydrogen peroxide molecules and so there were less collisions with the catalase and so less ‘lock and key’ mechanisms taking place.  Therefore the rate of reaction decreased as time went on. That is why less bubbles were produced each minute.

      The fact that my graph of total number of bubbles against surface area of the potato gives a slight curve means that there will be ...

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