Investigating the factors that affect the reaction between liver and hydrogen peroxide.

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Mary Death

Investigating the factors that affect the reaction between liver and hydrogen peroxide.

Science Theory

Liver breaks down hydrogen peroxide using an enzyme called catalase, a toxic product, to form water and oxygen, non-toxic product.

The speed of the reaction with the enzyme is effect by several factors such as temperature, pH and concentration.

The temperature that an enzyme works best at is just above body temperature because if it were directly body temperature the reaction would not be controlled.  At lower temperature the enzyme slows down and thus doesn’t work efficiently, at a too high temperature the enzyme is denatured and fails to react.

Each enzyme has a different optimum pH, some prefer acidic and some alkali however the optimum pH for this investigation is around 7.  Although it may be slightly acidic as the liver contains bile acids.

Concentration effects all reactions because of the collision theory; the more particles there are to collide with each other the quicker the reaction will be but reactions within the body are to violent because it would be dangerous to health, they are controlled.

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In my investigation I intend to vary the temperature of the liver that is reacting with the hydrogen peroxide.

I shall measure the temperature using a thermometer, to vary the temperature of the liver the test tube will be in a water bath.


I think the strongest reaction with be at 40ºC.

Scientific Knowledge

I think the reaction will be like this because an enzyme works best at the body temperature and as body temperature is just below 40º, at a higher temperature the enzyme will be denatured and ...

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