Investigating the influence of pH on the activity of potato catalase

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Biology Coursework.

Investigating the influence of pH on the activity of POTATO CATALASE


Enzymes are globular proteins which can be denatured at extreme pH levels

The active site is a region of the protein/enzyme such as a cleft or crevice in the tertiary structure of the enzyme, often constituting less than 5% of the surface area. The active site can be negatively charged to attract for example a positively charged amino group (basic side chains) and vice versa, namely positively charged to attract for example a carboxylic group.

As the hydrogen ion concentration decreases the pH number increases and a solution becomes more alkaline / basic. Amino acids are amphoteric having both a basic (amine) group and acidic (carboxylic acid) group). In water, the carboxylic acid partially dissociates becoming negatively charged and similarly the amine group accepts a hydrogen ion becoming positively charged. In this state, an amino acid becomes a zwitterion which enables amino acids to act as buffers. When the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution of an amino acid increases, protons are attracted to the negatively charged carboxyl group and therefore the overall charge becomes positive due to the amine group also being positively charged. Alternatively, reducing the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution means the amine group donates hydrogen atoms (ions??) making the overall charge negative. Therefore, changing the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution, namely the pH value, alters the charge of amino acids, which in turn interact with any charges on the R groups (of the substrate??). This leads to changes in the ionic charges and eventually causes ionic bonds to break.

All enzymes have a 3D tertiary structure.

The function of a protein or an enzyme depends on its particular characteristics, in particular the shape of the protein / enzyme, which is determined by its bonds. If the bonds are altered or broken, the shape of the protein / enzyme changes, the characteristics change and the protein / enzyme function changes. The protein / enzyme has been denatured.

All proteins have tertiary structure which depend on the sequence of amino acids and R groups (determined by) in the primary structure of the polypeptide chain. This is because the bonding brings about tertiary structure and interactions between the R groups determines the compact 3D shape of the globular proteins. Different R group sequences cause a different sequence of folds which may change the shape of the active site and consequently the function of the enzyme, as substrates will no longer be able to fit into the active site.

One type of bond which holds the tertiary structure of the enzyme are ionic bonds between oppositely charged R groups. Altering the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution, effects the charges and these bonds may be broken. If this happens the shape of the enzyme will change and especially that of the active site so that the substrate can no longer fit. The pH will also alter the charge of the active site which can also disrupt the electrical fit of the active site and charged substrate. All enzymes have an optimum pH which they catalyse a reaction at the maximum rate. At this pH, the shape of the active site and the charges within are ideal for fitting the substrate and catalysing the reaction.

Effect of pH can cause irreversible denaturation at extreme values of pH.

The data shows a trend between the rate of reaction and the pH value. As the pH level increases from pH5 to pH8, the rate of the reaction (i.e. the number of bubbles produced over a three minute period) increases from an average bubble count of 73 at pH5 to 132.9 at pH 8. This trend is caused because as the hydrogen ion concentration decreases, the solution becomes more alkaline creating conditions similar to the normal environment of potato catalase. The hydrogen ion concentration (pH level), has the effect on the enzyme potato catalase in that it alters the charges on the acidic and basic groups of the protein, altering the ionic charges causes the ionic bonds to break. These ionic bonds hold the specific shape of the enzyme (and particularly its active site). The active site is the region of the enzyme where all the reactions take place. Therefore, breaking these bonds means that the shape of the substrate, hydrogen peroxide is no longer complementary to the altered shape of the active site on the enzyme. As the hydrogen peroxide molecules no longer fit in the active site, no more potato catalase and hydrogen peroxide molecules can combine to form enzyme – substrate complexes, which would have formed enzyme – product complexes resulting in the inhibition of the release of the products, in this case water and oxygen. This accounts for the decrease in rate of reaction observed by the decrease in bubble count.

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Another trend that I can conclude from the line graph is that at a pH level above pH8, the rate of reaction also begins to decrease. This …………

I conclude from the graph that the hydrogen ion concentration of pH8 produces the maximum number of bubbles over a three-minute interval and is therefore the optimum pH level, producing the maximum rate of reaction and maximum turn over rate. (This approximate pH value may not be exact as the level of accuracy is only measured in integers). At approximately pH8, the conditions are optimum for the enzyme potato catalase, to decompose ...

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