Investigating The Rate of Reaction Between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate

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Katy Gardiner 10S4

Investigating The Rate of Reaction Between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate


·         2 Measuring cylinders

·         Conical flask

·         Beaker

·         Stopwatch

·         Paper with cross marked on it

·         Sodium Thiosulphate solution

·         Hydrochloric Acid

·         Water



  • Temperature
  • Concentration
  • Surface Area
  • Catalysts

The variable I will change is concentration. I chose this reaction variable because it has a definite end point (when the cross disappears on the paper). You cannot calculate the surface area as we are not using solids and no catalysts are used either.

To make this experiment a fair test I will only vary one thing – the concentration of the Sodium Thiosulphate solution. I will conduct all the tests at room temperature because temperature has an effect on the rate of the reaction. The measures of Hydrochloric acid will all be the same (10cm²). The person timing the experiment will look for the disappearance of the cross, otherwise there would be a time lapse between seeing the cross disappear and telling the other person to stop the clock and then eventually stopping the clock.

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I predict that the greater the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate solution the faster the chemical reaction will take place. Therefore, the cross will disappear more quickly due to the cloudiness of the solution.

I think that the concentration of a solution affects the rate of reaction because the rate of reaction depends on how frequently the molecules of the reacting substances collide. A more concentrated substance has more molecules for a given volume than a more dilute substance. Because there are more molecules about, the frequency of successful collisions is greater, and the reactions happen faster.

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