Investigating the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid at different temperatures.

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Investigating the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid at different temperatures.

Mg + HCl       MgCl2 + H2

magnesium + hydrochloric acid                    magnesium chloride + hydrogen

After having done 3 different experiments to prove the collision theory, we found that measuring the amount of gas through a delivery tube into a measuring cylinder

is the best because it is easy to record the results.  

The other experiments included:

Mass loss - this was very fiddly weighing out and the numbers between each time we took the result were so small it was very hard to plot a graph.

Surface area - this experiment was good in explaining the collision theory but it could not be used to find out different rates with temperature because it would be too fast with the chosen chemicals.(If powdered Mg was used)

Timing until Mg disappeared - this was a very simple experiment but as the temperature got higher (40°C ) it was virtually the same time as 50 C and at low temperatures took too long.

We are going to use the gas collection idea because it is the most accurate and is the simplest to plot on a graph. This method should give us enough readings for a graph and show how the speed of the reaction at the start is affected. We will aim to see how much gas is collected after 20 seconds into a measuring cylinder though a delivery tube from the initial reaction between Mg and HCl.

We will need:

  • Bunsen burner to change temperature of acid
  • tripod and gauze to hold the flask on
  • conical flask to keep liquid in
  • stopper for flask with a gas delivery tube attached.
  • water trough so gas doesn’t escape from the cylinder
  • measuring cylinder to collect gas.  We will use a large one because as the acid gets hotter there should be more gas due to the collision theory.

We will measure the amount of hydrogen in the measuring cylinder as the gas bubbles through and forces the water out.  The number will be read from the side of the cylinder.

We know a reaction is occurring as the Mg will be fizzing as the HCl acid particles collide with the Mg particles. We hope that from this we will be able to prove the collision theory that as the temperature goes up the particles will have more energy and so will be travelling faster. This means that the collisions and with more frequent and with more force.

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  • Measure out 2cm of Mg.
  • Measure out 25cm3 of HCl acid in a measuring cylinder.
  • Pour acid into flask and heat to desired temperature. In this run 60°C.
  • Add Mg to acid
  • At the same time start the stop clock and secure bung into flask.
  • Record volume of gas collected in measuring cylinder after 30 seconds.

Results of trial run

In our trial run we used 25cm3 of HCl and our top temperature was 60°C. We used     2 cm of Mg.  We found ...

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