Investigating the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid

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Investigating the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.

I am going to measure the rate of the reaction when hydrochloric acid is added to sodium thiosulphate.  I am going to investigate what effect the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate has on the reaction rate.

When sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid are mixed, a yellow precipitate of sulphur is produced. The solution becomes increasingly difficult to see through as more and more sulphur is formed.  This is how I plan to measure the rate of the reaction.  I will place a laminated cross underneath the solution and will stop the stop clock when the cross can no longer be seen.

I aim to conduct a fair and safe investigation to determine what affects the rate of the reaction.


Possible independent variables are temperature, amount of hydrochloric acid, concentration of Hydrochloric acid, amount or concentration of sodium thiosulphate and whether or not a catalyst is added.

        My independent variable is going to be the concentration of sodium thiosulphate.

        My dependant variable will be the rate of the reaction, or time taken for the reaction to take place.  Watching the cross disappear as precipitation occurs and sulphur is formed as a solid will be the method used to realise the rate.

        My controlled variables will be the temperature, the concentration of hydrochloric acid, the amount of sodium thiosulphate and the amount of hydrochloric acid.  I will try and control these as far as possible, and be as accurate as I can when measuring out the chemicals.

I will not be using a catalyst.


I predict that the higher the concentration of sodium thiosulphate, the quicker it will react with the hydrochloric acid.  This prediction is explained by the theory below: -

When two chemicals react, their molecules have to collide with each other with sufficient energy for the reaction to take place. This is collision theory. The two molecules will only react if they have enough energy.  This is known as activation energy.  Increasing the concentration of the reactants will increase the frequency of collisions between the two reactants.  The following diagram illustrates this theory with the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid, whereas we are using sodium thiosulphate instead of magnesium, but the theory is clearer if we use a solid as one of the reactants.

However, when collisions occur, they do not always result in a reaction. Only if the two colliding molecules have sufficient energy will they react.  This is the kinetic theory.  It is normally applied to temperature, i.e., increasing temperature means the molecules move faster, but it is also relevant here.

So, we can deduce from this that the temperature will also affect the experiment and therefore must remain constant.  

It is also relevant to note the following: -

For a chemical reaction to take place, some bonds in the reactants must be broken. The colliding particles must have enough energy to break these bonds. This minimum amount of energy is called the activation energy, as mentioned previously. Only the very fastest moving particles have enough energy to break bonds.

In gases, liquids and in a solution, the particles move at a range of speeds. Some are moving very slowly and others are moving very fast. To react, particles must collide with enough energy and in the correct orientation for bonds to be broken.

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Below is the relevant equation: -

Sodium thiosulphate + hydrochloric acid                 sulphur + sulphur dioxide + sodium

chloride + water.

Na2S2O3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq)                 S (s) + S2O (g) + 2NaCl (aq) + H2O (L)

Taking into consideration all of the above points, I believe that the graph of results will take roughly this shape: -

This would show, in accordance with my prediction, that the higher the concentration, the lower the reaction time.

Apparatus: -  

        A 10cm³ measuring cylinder which measures to 0.1cm³.

        A conical flask.

        A laminated cross.

        A small ...

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