Investigating The Rates Of reaction Between Magnesium Ribbon And Hydrochloric Acid

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Investigating The Rates Of reaction Between Magnesium Ribbon And Hydrochloric Acid


I am trying to show that the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid (HCl) and magnesium (Mg) can be varied.


My Variables are:

) Light

2) Pressure

3) Temperature

4) Concentration

5) Catalyst

6) Surface Area

The variables can be changed in the following ways:

) Light works in basically the same way as temperature, as light heats the space around where the experiment is taking place.

2) The greater the pressure the closer the particles are forced together. This means there are more collisions, which in turn increases the rate of reaction. Pressure would only affect the experiment if one or more of the involved reactants are of gaseous state.

3) The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of the reaction, this is due to the fact that the higher the temperature is the more energy each particle has, this makes the particles vibrate more causing more collisions with greater activation energy.

4) The higher the concentration the more particles available. There are more collisions because of this. This increases the rate of the reaction.

5) A catalyst speeds up a reaction by holding one reactant while other reactants collide with it. There are also negative catalysts that can slow down a reaction. So normally a catalyst speeds up the rate of reaction.
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6) The greater the surface area of the reactant the more of its particles are exposed for the other reactant to collide with. This increases the chances of collisions between the particles of the two reactants. This increases the rate of reaction.

My Variables

I have chosen to investigate the variable of concentration in my experiment; I will investigate how the concentration of hydrochloric acid affects the reaction. I have chosen this variable because it will give me a greater range for my results table. It will also complete the objective of this investigation by helping ...

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