Investigating the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.

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Investigating the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid


In this investigation I must produce a piece of coursework investigating the rates of reaction. The rate of reaction is the loss of a reactant or the rate of formation of a product during a chemical reaction. There is five factors that could effect the rate of a reaction, according to the collision theory of reacting particles: temperature, concentration (of solution), pressure (in gases) surface area and catalysts. The factor that I am going to investigate is temperature.

My aim in this investigation is to see the effects of the change of temperature on the rate of reaction. The reaction that will be used is:

Sodium Thiosulphate + Hydrochloric Acid

Na2S2O3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq)

During the experiment temperature will be my variable (thing that I change) while everything else will remain constant. The whole Idea of the experiment is to mix the two solutions together and see how long it takes for a cross, which will be underneath the beaker with the mixture, to disappear. When the temperature is constant, room temperature will be used as the temperature as it more practical and will not need to be monitored. When the temperature is being varied a water bath will be used to heat up the acid and thiosulphate to the necessary temperature.

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After doing my preliminary experiment I have chosen to use 5cm of hydrochloric acid and 15cm of sodium thiosulphate. My range of experiments will be from 20 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees Celsius. (All of these temperatures will be used going up in steps of 10 degrees.) Also after doing my preliminary experiment I have chosen what apparatus will be necessary to use, during the investigation.

1 thermometer

1 beaker

2 measuring cylinders

1 conical flask

1 stopwatch

X board

1 pair of goggles

Water bath


5cm of hydrochloric acid and 15cm of sodium thiosulphate will be poured into ...

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