Investigating the reaction between sodium Thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.

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Investigating the reaction between sodium Thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid


How the rate could be changed so enough sulphur has been formed so you can no longer see through the liquid.

Information I already know

When the two chemicals (sodium Thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid) are mixed together the liquid goes cloudy so you can no longer see through it.

Preliminary experiment

As there are two ways I could investigate this reaction, by temperature or by concentration, I had to decide which one would be most suitable.  I have decided to choose to test the reaction by changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid.  I will change the concentration four times first starting with 0.5m of HCl then 1.0m, 1.5m and finally 2m.


I will need to take safety precautions such as using goggles at all times whitest doing the experiment.  I will also do my experiment where it is fairly spacious and also wash my hand thoroughly after having to handle the chemicals.

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To do my experiment I will the following:


Measuring cylinder

2 beakers


Paper with black cross on it


Fair test

To make this test fair I will make sure that I will make sure that I will wash the beakers out for the other concentration test to take place.  I will make sure that I stop the stopwatch as accurately as possible to get the fairest results.


I will be measuring the concentration of hydrophilic acid in molars (m) these are the four different concentration I will be using in the experiment, 0.5m, 1.0m, 1.5m ...

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