Investigating the result of mixing calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid.

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Chemistry Course Work

I will investigate what calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid will give. To increase the rate of the experiment I could:

  1. Add a variety of concentrations of acid (molar). The acids will be concentrated to 3, 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5.
  2. I might use a large amount of marble so that there is more surface area and more reaction in the test tube.
  3. I might use a catalyst to increase the rate of the reaction.
  4. I might grind the marble piece up so that there is more surface area.
  5. I might the heat the test tube, where the reaction will be held, so that the particles hit each other more and the reaction is quicker.
  6. I might use a stirring rod to increase the rate of the reaction.

To increase the rate of reaction the molecules will:

  1. They will hit each other more.
  2. They will react at a more alarming rate.
  3. The acid will corrode the marble chip.
  4. I’m going to see how the concentration effects the rate of reaction.

Apparatus (1st):

Apparatus (2nd):


I will set the apparatus out as shown above. To make it a fair experiment I will always add three marble chips and 10ml of acid to the test tube, for the first experiment. The clock will start with the test tube is secured with the bung. I will count how many bubbles come out in a minute. I will also check at certain intervals how far the bubbles of CO2 have reached in the burette (cm3). For the second experiment I will place 5 chips with roughly the same weight into separate test tube. The different test tubes will have a different acidic strength (molar). When The marble chips and the acids are added together I will time how long it will take for the bubbles to stop.

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I predict that as the concentration of the acid decrease, from the selection I have chosen, the time of the reaction will increase, as the acid will consume the marble chips slower. There would also be fewer bubbles, coming out of the delivery tube, which is connected to the boiling tube. For the second experiment I predict that as the concentration of the acid increases the chips will be consumed quicker and the bubbles will disappear.        

Other experiments:

Other ways in which I could have measured the rate of reaction was to use different weights of marble. ...

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