Investigating the Water Potential of Root Vegetables.

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Investigating the Water Potential of Root Vegetables.


For my experiment I will be investigating the water potential of root vegetables. The vegetable I am going to use is turnip. I am going to use turnip because it is a uniform vegetable.

This investigation is about osmosis. "Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from an area of high water potential to an area of low water potential. This takes place through a partially permeable membrane."

Water potential is the potential energy of the water molecules on either side of the partially permeable membrane to move. Where the water molecules are more concentrated the potential energy of the water molecules is higher.

If a solution has a high water potential it has a higher concentration of water molecules and a lower concentration of solute molecules. The solution is said to be hypotonic. Low water potential is the opposite of this; the solution would have a low concentration of water molecules and a higher concentration of solute molecules, and is referred to as hypertonic.

If a plant cell is placed in a solution that has lower water potential than the cell (hypertonic solution) it becomes turgid. When a cell becomes turgid it swells, water enters the vacuole by osmosis, its protoplast expands and its turgidity increases. The cell does not burst because of its cellulose wall, when the cell wall is fully stretched it resists any further expansion of the cell. But if the cell were placed into a solution that has a higher water potential than the cell (hypotonic solution) the cell would become flaccid and then will would no longer exert a pressure on the cell wall. If water loss continues it will reach a point where the cell would completely detach itself from the cell wall. This is called plasmolysis and the cell would be referred to as plasmolysed. "Plasmolysis is the process by which water leaves the vacuole by osmosis, its protoplast shrinks and turgidity decreases. For the cell to remain in its normal state in a solution, the solution must be of the same concentration as the cell (isotonic solution). When this happens it is said to be in a state of equilibrium.

Water is important to the structural support of a plant, thus a lack of water can cause wilting, discolouration or even death. Water is taken into the plant from the soil by specialized root hairs, which are each about "200-250m m" across. On a single root branch there are hundreds maybe thousands of these root hairs, this provides the plant with a large surface area for absorption of water from the soil. The water then moves across the root into the xylem in the center of the stem. It travels up through the xylem in the stem, and into the leaves; where it is transpired through open stomata into air.

Another important factor that must be taken into consideration is the tissue cells taken from the turnip must contain cells such as parenchyma and not xylem vessels. This is important because xylem vessels do not carry out osmosis. This means that in my results, depending on how much of the sample was xylem vessel; there would be a lower percentage weight gain or loss to the turnip that had xylem vessels in them.
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I predict that the swede that is put in low concentrations of sucrose solution will gain some weight. For example, swede placed in concentrations like 0.5mol dm-3 and 1mol dm-3 will gain the most weight. As the concentrations increase the weight gain decreases to a point where the swede starts to loose weight, this will happen at 2mol dm-3, 2.5mol dm-3 concentrations.

This happens because of osmosis. Water molecules move from an area of high water potential to an area of lower water potential. The solutions with a low concentration of solute molecules have ...

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