Investigation about how different factors affect the resistance of a wire

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Investigation about how different factors affect the resistance of a wire


To discover how different variables affect the resistance of a wire.

Resistance occurs when the electrons travelling along the wire in the current collide with the atoms of the wire, it is measured using the equation R = V/I.

The different variables of the wire I will change during the experiment include:

  • The length
  • The cross sectional area (thickness)
  • The material


I predict that the longer the wire is the more resistance there will be.  This is because the electrons in the current travelling through the wire have a greater distance to travel so more collisions could occur between the atoms of the wire and the electrons in the current.

My second prediction is that as the width of the wire is increased the resistance will decrease.  This is because the wider the wire is the more space there is for the electrons in the current to travel through the wire.  Due to this increased space there should be less collisions.

My final prediction is that the more atoms there are in the material of the wire the more resistance there will be.  This is because the more atoms in the wire the more chance there will be collisions between the atoms in the wire and the electrons in the current, meaning more resistance.

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How I will keep the experiment fair

The test will be kept fair as everything will be kept the same but the variable I am testing.  For example, when I am testing to discover whether the length of the wire effects the resistance, the material and width of the wire will stay the same.  Also, the current flowing through the wire will be kept the same.  This will be achieved by keeping the same number on the power pack.  I will also take each result ...

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