Investigation into the affect of Osmosis in Potato Tissue.

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Nathan Stokes                Water Potential Coursework        

Investigation into the affect of Osmosis

in Potato Tissue.



Water potential, w, ‘is a measure of the ability of water molecules to move from one region to another’. (1)

The more water molecules there are per volume of the cell the more likely that, by random movement, they will collide with the cell's plasma membrane, and travel out of it. Pure water has a w of 0. As all solutions have less water molecules per volume than pure water they have a lower w; therefore all solutions have negative water potentials.

The movement of water molecules is not totally random, the net movement of water is known as Osmosis.  

Osmosis is a special form of diffusion, which involves the movement of water.  Osmosis can be defined as:  The movement of water, through a semi-permeable membrane, from an area where it is highly concentrated to an area where its concentration is lower. The water molecules move down a water potential gradient until equilibrium is reached. Equilibrium is reached when the water potentials on both sides of the plasma membrane are the same. 


Water potential, w, is equal to the solute potential, s, plus the pressure potential, p.

Therefore: w = s + p

Potato and celeriac are both tubers, 'a thick rounded part of a stem or rhizome, usually found underground and covered with modified buds’. The root vegetables potato and celeriac were used because there structure is sufficiently similar so they will react in the same way when immersed in hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.

Knowing that osmosis will occur across a semi-permeable membrane whenever there is a difference between the water concentrations on either side of the membrane, and when this happens the cells will either become: turgid if water flows into the cell, or flaccid or possibly plasmolysed if water flows out of them. Water will flow into the cell if the solution is pure water or a hypotonic solution and will flow out if the solution is hypertonic.

(A)  Plasmolysis occurs when a plant cells membrane shrinks away from its cell wall.  This phenomenon occurs when water is drawn out of the cell and into the extra cellular (outside cell) fluid.  The movement of water occurs across the membrane moving from an area of high water concentration to an area of lower water concentration outside the cell.  

(B) Plant cells where the water flows into the cell and out of the cell are in equilibrium are not capable of providing the cell with support.  Flaccid is a term used to indicate that the cell; although it contains water, does not have enough internal turgor pressure to provide structural support. 

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(C) Turgor pressure is the build-up of water within the plant cell.  Because of the rigidity of the cell wall, the cell does not rupture, but instead the internal pressure increases.  This increased internal pressure gives the plant cells structure that can support the plant.


To investigate the affect caused by varying the concentration of a sucrose solution on the amount of osmotic activity between; the solution, the potato/Celeriac cylinder. And to measure the water potential, w, of the two root vegetables and compare them.


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