Investigation into the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.

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Investigation into the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.


I predict that the amount of oxygen produced will increase as the light intensity increases. “Sometimes light is a limiting factor. A plant may have lots of water and carbon dioxide, but it will not photosynthesise very fast if there is not enough light; increasing the light intensity will make photosynthesis faster.” Concluding from this statement, light is one of the requirements of photosynthesis, so moving the light source closer and further away from the plant will give it varying degrees of light intensity. As the light is moved closer to the plant photosynthesis will speed up and eventually come to its highest point and level out. As the amount of carbon dioxide and the temperature also affect the plants rate of photosynthesis, the plant may have plenty of light but “cannot photosynthesise because it has run out of carbon dioxide or it is to cold for the enzymes to work properly.” That’s why it may level off.  (Quote-BBC Bitesize)

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Water + carbon dioxide ----> oxygen + glucose (stored as starch)


Light energy is one of the most important parts of the equation because without the light energy photosynthesis cannot take place. Both light and chlorophyll are needed for photosynthesis but they are not part of the reaction and are not used up.



  • To measure the rate of photosynthesis I will ...

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