Investigation into the factors that determine the temperature rise of electrically heated water.

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Stephen Foulks

Investigation into the Factors that Determine the Temperature Rise of Electrically Heated Water


When a circuit is set up as shown above there are a number of factors that affect the temperature rise, and rate of rise for electrically heated water.  Factors include: voltage supplied by the power pack, resistance of the electric heater, current in the circuit, amount of time that water is heated for, mass of water being heated and amount of heat lost from the water, (difficult to measure).

When water is electrically heated electrical energy is converted into heat energy.  To see how much of this energy is being converted by the heater we can assess its power.  The power of an electric heater can be found using the equation,

                                 Power = Current x Voltage

Once we know the power of the heater it is easy to work out the amount of ‘work’ that it is doing.  Work done is the power of the heater multiplied by the amount of time it is doing ‘work’ for.

                                 Work done = power x time

                                  I x T x V

This shows us how well the heater works, as power is the amount of work the heater does per second.  A heater however is not 100% efficient.  We can calculate the amount energy that is given to the water using a different formula.  This formula shows us how much energy it takes to raise 1 gram of water through 1 degree Celsius.  This is known as a substances specific heat capacity.


Water’s value is 4.2 Joules of energy to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

If no heat is lost through conduction, radiation, convection or evaporation then the power of the heater will be equal to the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of the water by however much it has increased by according to water’s specific heat capacity.

                                      ITV = Mcθ

From this equation the main factors affecting the temperature rise of water, (Δθ) can easily be seen.

                              Power x time = Mass x specific heat capacity x Δθ

Given that we are calculating the temperature difference, (Δθ) the equation could be rearranged so that all other factors would directly affect the amount the temperature rises by.  This being the case it can be seen that all factors, (except for specific heat capacity which is always constant) can be varied to determine the temperature rise of the water.

Note:  specific heat capacity can only be changed if water is substituted for another liquid, and the investigation is questioning the variables involved in electrically heating water.  Therefore, specific heat capacity is not a viable variable to change.

To make sure that a fair test is carried out it is important that only one variable is changed at any one time.  If more that one is varied then decisive conclusions can never be drawn as the effects of a single variable is unknown.  For example, if mass of water is varied then power, time of heating and resistance of the heater must remain constant.


I believe that the temperature rise of electrically heated water will be directly proportional to the time taken, but only up to a point.  If a graph were drawn that showed temperature rise and time taken to be proportional then this would mean that the water being heated was not losing any heat, hence all the power converted into heat energy by the heater was totally transferred to the water, and no heat energy was lost via conduction, convection, radiation or evaporation.

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I believe a graph showing the relationship between the 2 factors stated would show that the heated water started to lose heat as the water heated past the temperature of the atmosphere it was being tested in.  A graph may not show an immediate temperature change, as instruments will be slow to convey change and human error may also contribute to the late noticing of minute changes on inaccurate instruments.

I believe that a graph will demonstrate a curve whereby temperature rise is proportional to time taken until a point, (around 5 degrees Celsius above the original temperature ...

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