Investigation into the Physics of a Light Dependent Resistor.

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Investigation into the Physics of a Light Dependent Resistor

Introduction and Explanation of how an LDR functions

In this essay, my aim is to examine the physics behind a Light dependent resistor by measuring the voltages across it when exposed to bulbs of various wattages.

As with all experiments, it is necessary to make an initial prediction. I believe that the voltage across the LDR will increase if a higher wattage of bulb is used.

However, we find ourselves asking the question, ‘Why should the voltage change across this component just because the light intensity around it varies?’

In order to answer this question we have to examine the physics behind an LDR.

The LDR:

‘Success in Electronics’ (Tom Duncan 1983) provides this symbol as the representation of an LDR and tells us that this component, sometimes called a Photoresistor, varies its resistance according to light levels.

The resistance of an LDR depends upon the amount of Charge Carriers inside the component.

Charge carriers are particles which are capable of carrying charge (!) and are free to move across electron levels.

According to Ohm’s law, the resistance falls in the LDR as the current throughout the circuit increases.

The reason for this increase in current is due to the greater number of charge carriers in the semi-conductor inside the resistor. In this case, the charge carriers are electrons.

This increased number of electrons when light intensity increases, raises the semi-conductor’s Conductivity and therefore lowers its Resistivity as the two values are inversely proportional.

It is only reasonable to say that as the current through the circuit increases, so too will the voltage across the LDR.

A Quantum Explanation for the behaviour of an LDR

I have already said that the increased voltage across an LDR is due to an increased number of electrons in the LDR’s material but I have offered no justification for WHY the number of Charge carriers increase with light intensity.  


Not to Scale

In the diagram above I have tried to represent an atom in the semi-conductor of the LDR.

The stylised arrow represents a single photon striking an electron in the lowest electron level of the atom.

Note how the electron levels in the diagram come closer together as we move further away from the nucleus. This is true in real atoms also.

When light strikes an electron, enough energy can be transferred so that it has enough energy to move to a free outer shell i.e. one that is not full.

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The vertical arrow represents the movement of the electron below it, to an empty outer shell after the photon strikes it.

Note that this movement is continuous. The electron cannot occupy as shell that is already full. To this end, it does not stop as it passes through any of the other shells and if, as in this case the first shells are full, it will fall into a new electron level that was previously empty.

A voltage increase is seen across the LDR when bulbs of increasing Wattage are placed next to it. We can ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay


This is a well structured and written report. 1. Several subheadings are missing and some information is in the wrong section. 2. There is a running commentary that needs to be removed. 3. The conclusion needs to quote data from the investigation to back up the claims. 4. The evaluation needs to suggest further research opportunities. ****