Investigation into the Rate of Reaction between Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid.

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Ali Rana 11MW

Investigation into the Rate of Reaction between Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid.

The reaction which I will be investigating is:

Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric acid              Calcium Chloride + Water + Carbon Dioxide

CaCo3 (s) + HCL (aq)               CaCl2 (aq) + H20 (l) + CO2 (g)


I have decided to investigate into the effect of different concentrations of hydrochloric acid on calcium carbonate.


I want to see how much Carbon Dioxide is given off after 60 seconds, once the acid and marble start reacting. I carried out a preliminary experiment to see what sort of time ranges I was going to expect because I wanted to get the concentration levels right otherwise I could have been waiting for a long time. In this investigation I will be using the following apparatus; one conical flask to put the marble powder in and also to put the acid in so they react. A 50ml measuring cylinder to measure the amount of acid and water to make my acid concentrations. I will need a gas syringe to measure how much gas is being given off and a stop watch. I will also need one balance to measure the weight of the calcium carbonate powder. I will use safety glasses at all times as acids are very dangerous substances and can cause major skin irritation or burns and can damage eyes if squirted into the eye or pupil cavity. When using the acid I will handle it carefully and with responsibility because it is a harmful product if it comes into contact with the skin. The gas syringe needs to be watched while collecting the amounts of gas, in case the amount is suddenly too much and the syringe falls out of the end and breaks. Also, Marble chips however small or large can be sometimes inhaled or lodged in bodily organs and orifices like eyes and ears or noses. These dangers should be noted however unlikely.


Before the apparatus was set up, the experiment had to be planned as fairly as possible. This involved only changing one variable at a time, therefore all the other variables, which are:

  • Temperature- If you increase the temperature then the particles will move faster because they have more energy, so the likelihood of a reacting collision increases which means the reaction gets faster.

  • Pressure- Increasing the pressure will increase the rate of reaction of a gas, as at higher pressure the molecules are squeezed in closer together, and so they hit each other and the reactants more often. Low pressure will slow things down.
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  • Concentration of acid- There will be more acid particles in the solution if you increase the concentration of acid, so the chance of them hitting the marble increases, so the reaction gets faster.

  • Surface area- There will be a faster rate of reaction if there is a greater surface area compared to a smaller surface area.

  • Catalyst- A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being used up. Catalysts are usually transition metals. In the presence of a catalyst, less energy is needed by a collision in order to be successful. Therefore, there are ...

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