Investigation Into The Rate of Water Uptake By Transpiration.

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Investigation Into The Rate of Water Uptake By Transpiration.


The rate of water uptake in a plant is directly proportional to the surface area of the leaves on the plant. As the surface area is reduced, the time taken for the water to travel up the stem over the same distance will increase.

Background Knowledge:

Plants add a considerable volume of moisture to the atmosphere. After absorbing water through their roots, the water travels up the stem to the leaves where over 99% of the absorbed water is lost through the leaves by a process named transpiration. The Sun provides the energy required to turn the water in the leaves into a vapour, causing it to diffuse out of the plant and into the atmosphere. Water evaporates from the leaves and causes a force that pulls the water up the stem. The water travels through the vessels in the vascular bundles and this flow of water is called the transpiration stream.

Vascular tissue is made up of xylem and phloem. These tissues are concerned with the translocation (transport) of water and nutrients around the plant. Xylem carries mainly water and mineral salts, whereas phloem carries mainly organic solutes in solution, for example sugars. As the vascular tissue forms a transport system around the plant, a large, complex body will develop.

Xylem fibres are thought to have originated from tracheids (single cells that are elongated and lignified), however they are shorter and narrower than tracheids. Overlapping walls are present at the end of the xylem. Phloem resemble xylem as they also have a tubular structure that is modified for translocation. The tubes are composed of living cells, and there are five different cell types: sieve tube elements, companion cells, parenchyma, fibres and schlerids.

See Figure 1a that shows how phloem and xylem play an important role in transpiration. Figure 1b shows how gaseous exchange occurs in leaves..

Transpiration is the evaporation of water from leaves; therefore any change that increases or reduces evaporation will have the same effect on transpiration. The following variables can affect the rate of transpiration.

Light intensity - Light itself does not directly affect transpiration, but in daylight the stomata of the leaves are open. This allows the water vapour in the leaves to diffuse out of the plant into the atmosphere. At night, when the stomata are closed, transpiration rates are greatly reduced. Generally, transpiration speeds up when the light intensity increases as the stomata respond to changes in the light intensity.

Humidity - If the air is very humid it can accept very little from the plants and therefore transpiration slows down. In dry air, the diffusion of water vapour from the leaf to the atmosphere will be rapid.

Temperature - Warm air can hold more water than cool air. Thus, transpiration will take place more rapidly in warm air. When the sun shines on the leaves, they will absorb heat as well as light. This warms them up and increases the rate of transpiration.

Air movements - In still air, the region surrounding a transpiring leaf will become saturated with water vapour so that no more can escape from the leaf. In these conditions, transpiration will slow down. In moving air, the water vapour will be swept away from the leaf as fast as it diffuses out. This will increase the rate of transpiration.

Leaf surface area - A reduction in leaf surface area will reduce the rate of transpiration, as there will be a smaller distribution of stomatal pores.

Cuticle - The thinner the leaf cuticle layer, the greater the rate of cuticular transpiration. The upper surface of dicotyledonous leaves generally has a thicker cuticle compared with the lower layer. Thick, waxy cuticles can virtually eliminate cuticular transpiration and the shine reflects solar radiation.
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Stomata - The greater the number of stomata per unit area, the greater the rate of transpiration. Plants showing xeromorphic adaptations usually have reduced numbers of stomata. In dicotyledonous plants, the lower leaf surface usually possesses more stomata than the upper surface.

In order to make this a fair experiment, the following precautions need to be taken. My experiment will be conducted inside a science lab at school, away from the windows. The light intensity should not change during the experiment. The humidity of the air will not change within the laboratory. There is a thermostat located ...

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