Investigation into Transition Metals as Catalysts

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Daniel Powell. 10k.

Investigation into Transition Metals as Catalysts


Hydrogen peroxide decomposes slowly to form water and oxygen gas. Transition metal oxides will catalyse this reaction. A catalyst speeds up a reaction without being used up. The best catalyst for a reaction increases the rate of reaction the most. The rate of reaction can be measured by the amount of product formed divided by the time of the reaction. If 40 ml of oxygen were produced in 30 seconds (0.5min), then the rate of reaction would be 80 ml/min.

Planning- the apparatus available will be:

20 volume hydrogen peroxide solution (irritant), copper dioxide (harmful), iron oxide, manganese dioxide (harmful), spatulas, ele4ctronic balance, measuring cylinder, trough (water bath), stop watch, thistle funnel, delivery tube, bungs to take funnel and tube, boiling tubes.

Safety Precautions

  • Wear goggles.
  • Make sure that the hydrogen peroxide does not make contact with skin and/or hair.
  • Wipe bench thoroughly after experiment.


Each catalyst should be tested twice, however the catalyst should be altered after each experiment.

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  • Volume/concentration of hydrogen peroxide (10cm3 of 20 vol. hydrogen peroxide + 10cm3 of water).
  • Amount of each catalyst (1g).
  • Time left for/intervals at which gas is measured (every 5 seconds for 50 seconds).
  • Same general apparatus.

NB. Wash apparatus after each experiment.


The volume of gas (oxygen) produced will be measured during each test at 5-second intervals- this will be done by measuring how much water is displaced in the measuring cylinder by the gas. Each catalyst will be tested twice, and the test will last for 50 seconds on each ...

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