Investigation Into Trypsin Activity

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Investigation Into Trypsin Activity


Enzymes control the rate of reaction. They are biological catalysts, speeding up reactions in living organisms. Enzymes are specific in that they only speed up one reaction by joining with the matching substrate, and each enzyme works with only one substrate.

The enzyme we are using in this investigation is Trypsin and the substrate is Casein. When the enzyme is added to the substrate at the active site (the place where the enzyme and substrate touch) they will fit like a lock and key hence the lock and key theory. Once the enzyme has broken down the substrate, products will be formed and in this case amino acids. This experiment is about finding how long it takes different concentrations of Trypsin to break down casein (the protein in milk). The completion of the reaction is when the mixture turns transparent.


Casein (protein in milk) insoluble                amino acids (soluble)




  • Obtain the following apparatus: 5 boiling tubes, 1 beaker filled with milk, 1 beaker filled with Trypsin, 1 beaker filled with water, a test tube rack, a stopwatch 3 5cm³ syringe and a writing equipment to record results.
  • To find a suitable volume of milk for the investigation pour five different amounts of milk into a different boiling tube, the highest starting with 5cm³ descending to 1cm³.
  • Before adding 5cm³ of Trypsin to all five boiling tubes start the stopwatch, and record how long it takes each mixture to go transparent.

  • To find a suitable range of Trypsin concentrations pour 10cm³ Trypsin in one boiling tube and record time taken for 5cm³ of milk to go transparent. In another boiling tube pour 8cm³ of distilled water and 2cm³ Trypsin to make a concentration of 0.2% Trypsin and record the time taken for 5cm³ of milk to go transparent.


After completing my preliminaries I found out that the time taken for 1cm³ of milk to go transparent was to slow, however 5cm³ of milk took 139 seconds to turn transparent, a reasonable time. I also found a suitable range of concentrations of Trypsin the highest concentration being 1% taking 85 seconds was not too quick and 0.2% Trypsin took 270 seconds which was a practical length of time.

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The method of deciding when the mixture has turned fully transparent is when you are able to read “homework diary” which is placed behind the boiling tube. This was chosen because it was very effective and only when the mixture fully became transparent the words could be read. Other methods included making your own judgement when the mixture was clear, but this was not very accurate.


Independent variable:

  • Enzyme concentration

Dependant variable:

  • Time taken for mixture to become transparent

Controlled variables:

  • Enzyme temperature
  • Volume of milk
  • Stirring
  • pH

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