Investigation into Varying Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid Effects its Rate Of Reaction with Calcium Carbonate

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Investigation into Varying Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid Effects its Rate Of Reaction with Calcium Carbonate


Hydrochloric acid reacts with Marble (calcium carbonate) to produce calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide. We can measure the rate of this reaction by measuring how quickly the carbon dioxide is produced. Ca Co3 + 2Cl --> Ca Cl + H2O + Co2


In this investigation we are going to change the concentration of hydrochloric acid. By changing this factor we are going to find out how varying concentrations of hydrochloric acid effects its rate of reaction with calcium carbonate. The change in concentration will show us if the higher or the lower concentration of hydrochloric acid effects the rate of reaction. I predict that the higher the concentration then the quicker the reaction. This is because in a higher concentration of hydrochloric acid there are more acid particles (reactant particles) to collide with calcium carbonate particles (marble particles). This means more collisions occur causing the reaction to occur quicker and produce more carbon dioxide.

Preliminary Work

To get the best results from this investigation we first needed to carry out a preliminary experiment. See preliminary write up called Measuring the rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid. For the preliminary work we measured out 3g of marble chips and used 50ml of hydrochloric acid. We placed the marble chips in a conical flask, poured in the acid, put the bung in the top of the flask and started the stop clock. We collected the gas produced in an upturned cylinder in water. We also did this experiment with marble powder.

From this preliminary work we where able to work out which factor to change, what to keep the same and what measurements and readings to use. We decided to change the concentration of the acid to effect the rate of reaction, as this is the easiest to do and is also the fairest because you can change the concentrations exactly. We could of changed the temperature of the acid but this would have been hard to do repeat experiments as you couldn't get the same temperature each time. We could have also changed the surface area of the calcium carbonate but the results where too hard to read, as the rate of reaction was too fast. We chose to take readings of the amount of carbon dioxide produced every 30 seconds for 6 minutes. Taking a reading every 30 seconds gave us enough results to show how rates of reaction vary with concentration of hydrochloric acid. We chose to do each test for 6 minutes because using molars 0.5, 1 and 1.5 the 100ml cylinder was full by 6 minutes and 6 minutes gave us enough results to draw a conclusion about varying rates of reaction. We could plan from this preliminary work how to get the best results by finding out how long to time the reaction for, what size measuring cylinder to use and what amount of marble chips and acid to use.
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Conical flask,

00ml Measuring tube,

Delivery tube,

Stop clock,


3g Marble chips,

50ml Hydrochloric acid,


Electronic scale.



First we collected all the apparatus and set it up as shown in the diagram above. We measured out using an electronic scale 3g of marble chips. We used marble chips as powder reacted with the hydrochloric acid too fast for accurate readings. We always made sure that the scales where reset to 0 when measuring out the marble chips to ...

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