Investigation of Photosynthesis in Pond weed

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Investigation of Photosynthesis in Pond weed

Prediction: I predict that the closer the lamp is to the plant the photosynthesis will be greater.

Hypothesis: My prediction is based upon the fact that the closer the lamp is to the plant, the more light will get to it, so more of the plants surface area will be in contact with the light. If this is so, the plant will produce more glucose and oxygen.

Photosynthesis is where a plant respires. A plant will take in light, water and carbon dioxide and produces glucose and oxygen. The glucose is used by the plant as food and the oxygen is put back into the environment. So, photo synthesis is very important in the environment otherwise there would be no way of recycling the carbon dioxide waste product from animals back into the useable gas of oxygen.
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Fair Test: Between the lamp and the plant will be a piece of glass to act as a heat shield and the water for the plant will be kept at a constant temperature.

A preliminary experiment was conducted, 5 cm away from the lamp, to work out a reasonable time span to conduct the experiment. The results were as follows:

Time in seconds

Amount of oxygen produced in cm3













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