Investigation of the effect of surface area on the rate of osmosis of a potato

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Investigation of the effect of surface area on the rate of osmosis of a potato


I have been asked to investigate the factors that may affect the rate of reaction in osmosis. OSMOSIS is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of HIGH WATER CONCENTRATION to a region of LOW WATER CONCENTRATION.
I have chosen to investigate the effect of the surface area of potato chips. In this experiment is to find out if osmosis occurs between the cut surface of potato and sodium chloride solution, how surface area affects this.

Last year we were asked to do a series of experiment about Osmosis. The method I used then is similar to this time. The only difference from last time will be, I’m using test tubes to place the chips and sodium chloride in. The reason for this is because; the chips need to be fully covered with sodium chloride solution. From last year experiment my conclusion was, the more surface area the chips have got, the faster and the more osmosis occurs. And I believe I will get the same result this time.

There are other factors involved and these are;
¨ Temperature – Higher temperature will make the protein denatured
¨ SIZE of potato – more or less surface area for osmosis to occurs
¨ Mass of potato
¨ Volume of solution potato chip is in
¨ Type of potato – different rate of absorption
¨ Concentration – Slower or faster the process of osmosis
¨ Time left in solution
¨ Surface area of potato chip
¨ Use the same balance to measure chip

In order to conduct a fair test, I have to control these other factors. Doing all the tests at one temperature will control the temperature. For the purpose of my experiment I am going to do all the experiments at room temperature.
The water potential of the potato initially will be kept the same by using the same type of potato, which have been treated in the same way


Before actually planning the experiment, I will do some research to find out about osmosis, and matters related to it, so that I can make predictions, and find out a way to make this investigation fair and safe.
Planning ahead would help me find out how to do what, when, which should lead me to good results at the end of the experiment. The size of the potato is very important. This is because if the size of the potato varies, so will the amount of mass is looses or gains. I will cut all the pieces of potatoes, to the same size. I will use the borer to get all the potato chips with the same width and dimensions, and for safety reason, we should always keep the borer’s pointing side away from us, and not to point to our palms.

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The mass of the potato is a dependent variable, and this means that it will be measured throughout the experiment. I will measure the mass in grams. The potato chip will be measured before it is put in the solution, and after. This will allow us to see whether osmosis has taken place, and to what extent.
The volume of the solution that the potato chips are kept in must be equal. They must be totally covered in the solution, and the amount of solution will be kept the same because all the potato chips are the same size. The amount ...

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