Investigation of the reaction between Hydrochloric Acid and Calcium Carbonate chips

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Investigation of the reaction between Hydrochloric Acid and Calcium Carbonate chips

Balanced Equation of reaction:

Calcium carbonate + Hydrochloric acid = Calcium chloride + Water + Carbon Dioxide

CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

Rate of reaction and what alters the rate of reactions

Rate of a reaction is a measure of the speed at which a reaction takes place and is found out by:

Rate= Change in amount/Time taken

Rate occur only when particles: - Collide

- With enough energy

Different factors change the amount of collisions there are, the more collisions the rate of reaction is faster.

The variables that change the rate of reaction are: - Surface area

- Concentration

- Temperature

- Catalysts

Surface area- When the surface of the substance being reacted (solid) has a large surface area for example powders the rate of reaction is high and the substance is reacted very quickly but if it has a low surface area for example a ball the rate of reaction is low and the substance takes a long time to react, this is because the acid have more solid to react with so there are more collisions causing a higher rate of reaction the more surface area there is.

Concentration of solutions- When the solution (acid) that is reacting with a solid is highly concentrated the rate of reaction is high and the solution reacts with the solid very quickly but if the concentration of the solution is low the rate of reaction is low and the solid reacts slowly, this is because when the concentration of the acid is high then there is lots of particles in a certain area(cm3) so more collisions and the more collisions the higher the rate of reaction is.

Temperature- When the solid is being reacted into the solution at a high temperature the rate of reaction is high and the solid dissolves quickly but if it is at a low temperature the rate of reaction is low and the solid will react a lot slower, this is because when the temperature is high the particles move around a lot faster and there are more collisions so the rate of reaction is high.

Catalyst - Use of a suitable catalyst means that the particles may react even if they collide with only moderate energy. This means more successful collisions are likely. Some catalysts work because one of the particles is fixed to a surface. This makes the chance of a collision more likely. More reactions means a higher rate of reaction and the solid will be dissolved by the acid quickly.

Which variable and why?

I am going to investigate how the concentration of the acids changes the rate of reaction. I have chosen to do this because it is interesting yet simple and I believe the other variable are harder to investigate.

Why not the other variables

Surface area- The surface area of the solid to be reacted (calcium carbonate) would be very difficult to measure and to be precise and I could only get the chips into rough categories ( Small and large) so I decided against this variable.

Temperature- To get the acid and solid mixture to the right temperature will be very difficult and inaccuracy is likely and this could change the results slightly so I have decided against investigating the temperature variable.

Catalyst- In further research I found no catalysts that I can use in my investigation so no catalyst will be used in the experiment

Quantitative prediction

When the concentration of the acids is 0 and when the experiment is timed out the mass of the solution of water and solid will have decreased 0 grams if the acid is completely concentrated the mass will decrease by 2 grams I also predict that 25% concentration gives a 0.5 gram decrease and 50% will give a 1 gram mass decrease and that 75% concentration will give a 1.5 gram mass decrease because the experiment will be in a quantitative relationship of that when you double the concentration the mass loss will also double . Also if the concentration is double e.g. 50% is double 25% the reaction will react twice as fast e.g. 25% concentration mass loss is 0.5 grams so at 50% mass loss will be 1 gram.

What to measure for rate of reaction
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The solution of acid (hydrochloric acid) and solid (calcium carbonate) will be measured out before the experiment begins it will be left to react for 3 minutes and then measured again the change in mass will be how much of the solid has reacted and gas given off.


5 measuring cylinders of 10 cm3 of hydrochloric acid will be set-up one with no concentration(water), one 5 cm3 of hydrochloric acid with 5 cm3 of water(50% acid concentration) and one 10 cm3 of hydrochloric acid(100% acid concentrated) and with acid concentration 25% and 75% each will ...

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