Investigation to Discover the Factors Affecting Rates of Diffusion between Agar blocks and Hydrochloric Acid.

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Stuart Stephens                11D

Investigation to Discover the Factors Affecting Rates of Diffusion between Agar blocks and Hydrochloric Acid.

In this investigation I hope to discover the factors affecting the rate of diffusion between Agar blocks and Hydrochloric acid.  I will hope to measure how varying either the concentration of the acid or the temperature affects the rate of diffusion.  I will try the experiment with a consistent size of agar blocks, but varying concentration and note down the times it takes for each block to diffuse completely.  I will be given a 1cm deep agar plate containing 1% agar.  The agar has been made alkaline by the addition of NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) and stained pink using phenolphthalein.  As the HCl diffuses into the agar, the alkali is neutralised and the phenolphthalein becomes colourless.  I will time how long it takes for the acid to diffuse into the different size blocks of agar.  The equipment I will be able to use in the experiment is listed below:

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  • 1mol/dm3 of Hydrochloric acid
  • Heating equipment. E.g. Bunsen burner, Water bath.
  • Thermometers
  • Straws
  • Test Tubes
  • Pipettes
  • Usual Glassware (Beakers, Boiling tubes, etc.)
  • Agar Borer

There are 3 main factors affecting the rate of diffusion.  These are:

  1. Temperature
  2. Surface Area
  3. Concentration

Temperature affects the rate of diffusion in the way that heat gives energy to the particles.  This causes the particles to move around faster over a larger distance.  This results in the particles spreading out over a wider area of space faster than if they were at normal temperature, hence ...

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