Investigation to see the effects of changing the surface area of potato tubes on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and the subsequent release of oxygen gas by the naturally occurring enzyme catalyse.

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Enzyme Investigation

Aim: To see the effects of changing the surface area of potato tubes on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and the subsequent release of oxygen gas by the naturally occurring enzyme catalyse.


Hydrogen peroxide

200ml beaker

50ml conical flask

Delivery tube



Cork Borer size 4



I predict that the larger the surface area of the potato the more hydrogen peroxide will be exposed to the potatoes surface, therefore making the reaction take place faster, giving off more oxygen in the same amount of time. So when the surface are of the potato has doubled I believe the oxygen level would have doubled also. But the smaller the surface area, the less oxygen given off.

Background Research:

Enzymes are biological catalysts. They speed up the chemical reactions, which go on inside living things. Enzymes are extremely efficient at doing their job. Hydrogen peroxide is a very poisonous so it must be got rid of quickly. Under the influence of an enzyme called catalyse, the hydrogen peroxide is broken down into harmless water and oxygen. Catalyse acts very quickly: one more molecule of it can deal with six million molecules of hydrogen peroxide in one minute.

All plant and animal cells contain an enzyme called CATALASE.  This enzyme breaks down hydrogen peroxide (which is toxic) into water and oxygen (which are not toxic).  Potatoes are a good source of this enzyme.

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This is the equation: 

                    2H2O2 --> 2H2O + O2

Hydrogen peroxide --> water + oxygen


Controlling variable:

Keep the amount of hydrogen peroxide the same - This is so that the amount of catalysts working on the potato is the same each time.

Keep the samples from one potato only – So that you know there haven’t been different chemicals been used to grow the potato, therefore giving different results.

Keep the overall length of the potato the same – So that ...

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