Is cloning ethical?

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               By Samuel Pappon




Introduction...................................………………………  Pg3

Molecular cloning………………………………………   Pg4

Cellular cloning…………………………………………  Pg5

Organism cloning & somatic cell nuclear transfer……….Pg6

Dolly the sheep…………………………………………..  Pg7

Arguments for cloning…………………………………... Pg8

Arguments against cloning……………………………….Pg9







Cloning is the name given to the process of making an identical genetic copy of a DNA fragment (molecular cloning), a cell (cellular cloning), or an organism (organism cloning). I will get into these, amongst other methods of cloning at the beginning. Then I will get into the arguments regarding cloning; which will then lead on to my conclusion.

Along with producing the genetic twin of an organism, Cloning technologies can be used for many other purposes such as medicine. However, as I mentioned before, there are many ethical and religious issues concerning cloning and I am going to explore them and see which arguments are the most convincing.


The different types of cloning
Molecular cloning

When a copy of a DNA fragment is being made it is called molecular cloning and it is frequently used to amplify DNA fragments containing genes, but it can also be used to amplify any DNA sequence such as promoters, non-coding sequences and randomly fragmented DNA. It is used in many biological experiments including large-scale protein production. However, in order to amplify any type of DNA sequence from a living organism, the DNA sequence must have some sort of connection to the origin of replication. 1, 2

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The origin of replication is a sequence of DNA capable of directing the spread of itself and any linked sequence. However, a certain number of other features are needed along with a variety of specialised cloning vectors, which allow protein expression, tagging, single stranded DNA or RNA production, and various other manipulations. 1, 2

Molecular cloning using any kind of DNA fragment is essentially done in four steps: Fragmentation, ligation, transfection, and selection. Although these are the basic steps there are some alternative routes. 1, 2


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