Is genetic modification morally wrong?

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Is genetic modification is morally wrong? 

        Genetic modification is methods that make it possible to change the pattern in genetic material. The genetic material found in cells in molecules called DNA, is the design for any living thing. I.e. plant, animals, bacteria, etc. Changing the pattern of DNA molecules ay make it possible to change the characteristics in the living organism.
The ability to modify organism’s genetic makeup has uses:

<> Understanding the basic of plant, animals, including humans.
<> Use in agriculture; better yield of crops and better for consumers.
<> In animals: better health, livestock and humans.

However genetic modification is doing more harm then good. Studies show the disadvantages of genetic modification. These studies show that GM crops and foods are harming the environment and could be harming wildlife and even humans.

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Crops that have been genetically modified (GM) to produce pharmaceuticals that can contaminate the food supply.
There were scares that drugs that are produced by GM crops, were getting into the food supply such as cereal.
‘Biopharma’ grown for the drug, produced for medicines were getting mistaken for GM crops and ending up in American supermarkets as breakfast cereal.

There has been a study that shows that crops that have been genetically modified to resist insects kill not just ‘target insects’ (borer and weevil) but beneficial insects (monarch butterfly). They also (GM crops) threaten habitats of birds and other animals.
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Punctuation, grammar and spelling all to a good standard. Paragraphs very clear with a nice easy to read font used.

The candidate introduces the essay well with a good description of what genetic modification is, but to include greater scientific detail the candidate should include exactly how genetic modification works with a simple diagram. The essay is very unbalanced and whilst it argues a variety of negative points very well, this is all what is included in the essay making the essay and the conclusion unbalanced in viewpoint which is not good because there will be some positives which the candidate has not considered which might outweigh the negatives.

The candidate responds to the question well in some aspects but not so well in others. A good depth of scientific reasoning is used, but because the argument is very one-sided the candidate does not have a well rounded conclusion that should be used when considering all scientific data.