Is there a link between the number of carbon atoms in a hydrocarbon and how viscous it is?

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        Emma Knight

Chemistry coursework

Runny oil investigation

I am going to investigate is there is a link between the number of carbon atoms in a hydrocarbon and how viscous it is?


  • Alkane liquids in sealed glass tubes (50cm long)
  • Stands to hold the glass tubes up right
  • Steel ball bearings placed inside the glass tubes
  • Magnet
  • Stop watch
  • Tape

Safety apparatus

  • Stand to hold the glass tube in place to prevent accidents


I will select an alkane (glass tube), any as I want to record data from each alkane possible. I will use a magnet to drag the steel ball bearing up to the top of the glass tube. I will pull the magnet away and allow the ball bearing to fall 50cm through the glass tube. So that each experiment is fair I will previously mark each glass tube with tape stating the beginning of the 50cms at the top and the end at the bottom of the glass tube. Straight after I have allowed the ball bearing to fall I will start to time and stop it when it reaches the end of the 50cm drop. For each alkane I will repeat the experiment at least five times is not more, to give me more accurate results and an accurate average.

        Steel ball bearing


Glass tube containing an

Alkane e.g. butane         50cm



Emma Knight

Chemistry coursework

To make this a fair test I will carry out the experiment alone, as my reactions will be faster to starting the stopwatch straight after I have allowed the ball bearing to drop. As if someone else starts the stopwatch there might be a slightly slower reaction, as they have to be told to start. As well for each experiment I must stand at the same angle on the glass tube as different points of view may give slightly different results causing them to be fairly inaccurate.

To get accurate results I will repeat each experiment five times if not more as this will a clear more accurate result. From each experiment I will be able to find and average for my results. At the end of my experiments I will exchange data with other members of the class allowing me to compare results, however these will be slightly different as everyone will be recording perhaps from a different set of equipment or taking results from a different angles.

How I will record my results

I will record my results I a table. This will show the velocity of the ball bearing for any alkane available and the time it took to fall. For each experiment I will repeat it at least five times and then take an average, which will be plotted on a line graph with the line of best fit to predict from.

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I predict that the larger the mass of the alkane the slower the ball bearing will fall, for example the ball bearing will fall faster through Pentane (C5H12) than Decane (C10H22). This is because Decane contains twice as many atoms as Pentane. Therefore it must take the ball bearing more time to fall through Decane as the more particles the greater friction there is to slow the ball bearing down.


Therefore, the larger the mass of the alkane the faster the velocity as the greater the ...

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