It this experiment the aim is to make sense of the data that I collect from my experiment using the relevant formulas.

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Katy Morris                Physics Coursework        41240        1714

It this experiment the aim is to make sense of the data that I collect from my experiment using the relevant formulas.

The experiment is rolling a steel ball of weight of 28.09g down a ramp.  I will roll the ball at different heights.

Once I have collected my results I will analysis my data using the relevant formulas and graphs.

The following formulas I could use in the analysis of my data

        Speed = Distances / Time

        Force = Mass x Acceleration        


        Kinetic energy = ½ x mass x speed²

        Potential energy


Also I could use the following kinetic equations

        S=UT + ½AT²

        V² = U² + 2AS

        V = U + AT

        A = (V – U)/T

As you can see from the diagram the ramp will me placed against a table at a height of 0.92M and the maximum length that the ball can be rolled is 244cm as that is the length of the slope.

Things that could affect the ball are:

  • Air resistance on the ball as it goes down the hill
  • Friction on the ball at the point where it touches the ramp
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Before we could do the experiment we needed to work out the angle at which the ramp was aimed at and the length of the ramp

A² + B² = C²

92² + b² = 244²

B² = 244² - 92²

B² = 59536 – 8464

B² = 51072

B = Root (51072)

B = 225.99 = 226m

To work out the angle, which the ramp was aimed at, you have to use trigonometry

Cos θ = adjacent / hypotenuse

Cos θ =     226   /   244


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