Journey To The Centre Of The Earth - The Accuracies and Inaccuracies - Chapter VI

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Journey To The Centre Of The Earth - The Accuracies and Inaccuracies - Chapter VI


The discussions that take place in this passage between the professor and his nephew Axel are that of the possibilities of a journey to the centre of the Earth. It is here that many fundamental scientific views are presented signifying the knowledge of the scientific community at the time, and, it is in this essay that these theories will be critically analysed against current understandings.

The statement explaining that the internal temperature of the Earth rises 1°Fahrenheit for every 70 feet in depth is the foremost scientific inaccuracy for which many further discrepancies are formulated upon. At present an advanced understanding has been gained in this field which counter's Verne's proclamation of such a constant being found throughout the Earth. Knowledge of the geotherm (the change of temperature with depth) is found to be 20° to 30°C per Km in normal continental crust. The steep geothermal gradient near Earth's surface tells us that heat is transported through the lithosphere by conduction. Below this depth, the temperature does not rise as rapidly; the temperature rises at a rate of less than half a degree per kilometre, countering Verne’s opinion. One factor contributing to this low value is that this part of the mantle is convecting (mixing cooler material near the top of the mantle with warmer material below, averaging out the temperature differences). Convection is much more effective than conduction at transporting heat as here the heated material itself moves, carrying its heat with it. The solid-state convection within the mantle is actually what stops it becoming hot enough to melt. J. Verne's discrepancies were caused by the extrapolation of inaccurate data from surface measurements.

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        Given the radius of the Earth to be 6371Km, Jules Verne's assumption of the core temperature being approximately 200,000 ° Centigrade or 360,032 ° Fahrenheit at the centre of the Earth is untrue. This is not so due to the very effective convection in the liquid outer core that keeps the temperature gradient lower there, and so the temperature of the inner core is estimated at approximately 4700 °C. If the above were correct, the Earth would be totally liquid a few hundred km below and the surface plates and crust of the Earth would be very unstable on top ...

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