Keeping heat in a hot water tank

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Keeping heat in a hot water tank


I am going to investigate which out of a number of coatings on a copper tin will insulate heat the best. I am going to repeat the investigation as many times as possible to get the best results. The coatings will include Foam, Tin Foil, Newspaper, Plastic Sheets, Bubble wrapping and no coating at all.


All the coatings: Foam, Tin Foil, Newspaper, Plastic Sheets, and Bubble wrapping.

Six copper cups

Six tins tops

A kettle

Six thermometers (If you are doing all cups at the same time)

A timer


  1. Put holes in the lids for the thermometers.
  2. Get equipment set up as the ‘Diagram’ shows.
  3. Boil water, and then put the water in the cups at exactly the same time.
  4. Put lids on the cups and measure the temperature of the water and write it down.
  5. Start timing and for every one-minute for fifteen  minutes measure the temperature of the water and record it.
  6. Repeat experiment for all coatings and repeat all coatings about three times and record the average.
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I predict that there will be a wide range of results for the different coatings. I think that the coatings with the most air bubbles will be the best insulators for heat because the bubbles will trap the hot air and circulates inside them so no more heat can get through or not as much heat can get through. That’s why I think that the Foam will be the best insulator. I also think that the Tin foil coating will also be a good insulator. I have ...

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